Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] [adv] [adj] at the " in BNC.

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1 What we can say , though , is that the picture which emerges from these is not of a monolithic bloc but of a constantly mutating organism made up of elements which are symbiotic and mutually contradictory at the same time ( see , for example , Sanjek 1988 ; Hirsch 1969 ; Peterson and Berger 1971 ; Hardy n.d. ; Frith 1978 ; 1983a ; 1988a ) .
2 ‘ I 'm not sure if I can wait the length of time it will take — but since you seem to believe that you can … ’ he added in an ironic mutter , and shrugged , the gesture oddly dismissive and yet decisive at the same time .
3 Perhaps peter Fuller 's Theoria ( 1988 ) , a call for a return to earnest Ruskinian values by a critic who had lost his faith in Modernism , contrives to be theoretical and distinctively British at the same time ; but that is the work of an art critic .
4 Sattareh 's father may have been autocratic , infuriatingly stingy and over 60 at the time of her birth , but he was also unusually enlightened .
5 Neither bloc was monolithic nor entirely predictable at the outset .
6 If the stock in these categories is to be revised and replenished often enough at each service point to keep its readers supplied with fresh material , then buying of new titles will be at an extremely wasteful level — since few of the titles withdrawn would be out-of-date or physically obsolete at the time of their withdrawal .
7 Liz had said , sounding strong , healthy and extremely indignant at the way her child had been treated .
8 She 's very tough and very sweet at the same time .
9 In other words , the angle of attack relative to the airflow is steep at the centre of the sail , and neutral or even negative at the tips .
10 When my father suggested I apply , I was pleased and very excited at the prospect of going to boarding-school , which seemed to me to be an adventure , an escape from boredom .
11 Flattered when he had looked at her in that particular way which was both critical and yet admiring at the same time ?
12 But also , and for architects of this period more importantly , the silhouette created by the plan had the advantage of being symmetrical and romantically complex at the same time . ’
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