Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] [adj] [verb] that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It was warm and soothing to think that Felipe cared if she was in pain .
2 The less skilled negotiator prefers to leave things vague and ambiguous fearing that explicitness will jeopardize any agreement .
3 Anne Barnes , general secretary of the National Association for the Teaching of English , said : ‘ Teachers will feel very confused and disappointed to hear that changes are going to be made and the ground will shift from under their feet again . ’
4 It would be unfair and inaccurate to suggest that PageMaker was the first desktop publishing program , that honour probably goes to the now defunct Studio Software 's DO-it which actually ran on a PC rather than a Macintosh and , of course , there had been electronic publishing systems based on workstations and mainframes available for several years .
5 Henry did not have to see his thin anxious face , his nervous nibble at his lower lip or the furtive glance to left and right to know that number 47 was performing the ritual known as Is the Mitsubishi Scratched Yet ?
6 Perhaps it was after all impossibly naive and idealistic to expect that frontiers would cease to be watched , but just what price are we paying for the security effected by border controls ?
7 The standards and safety measures now required for the care of the elderly and disabled mean that houses used , for example , as Cheshire Homes , can only be brought up to current standards at inordinate expense and involving radical alteration of the historic interiors .
8 One does not want to occasion unnecessary delay in exercising those controls , but they must be sufficiently firm and rigorous to ensure that criminals who try to get into the country are detected and that illegal immigrants are similarly detected and prevented from entering the country .
9 In his thriving shop he expected only specialist collectors to be interested but he is surprised and delighted to find that 95% of the customers buy on aesthetic appeal .
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