Example sentences of "[adj] [noun prp] [conj] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Workers at British Leyland and in the coal industry rejected the advice of union leaders to strike over wages or job losses .
2 It does n't make much difference whether this determinism is due to an omnipotent God or to the laws of science .
3 Fergus , used to the occasional cigar with his brandy now that he 'd given up his pipe , pronounced the smoke quite cool , and objected more to the sweet taste of the Old Holborn than to the scent of resin .
4 The success of the two movements was attributed to their association with the highly popular Havel and to the fact that their candidates included some of the most prominent ministers in the government of national understanding .
5 Everything conspires to exacerbate the situation : conventional art education teaches an art-historical line of descent through the successive achievements of the Great Masters , but such works are unavailable in Latin America except in the form of often poor-quality reproductions .
6 Despite plans for market integration in Latin America and between the United States , Mexico and Canada , it is only in relation to the European Community that integration can properly be discussed at present .
7 The sense of outrage has almost as much to do with the invasion of a hallowed shrine of old Boston as with the robbery .
8 But Leeds boss Doug Laughton , knowing that Lindner would not be available until early November because of the World Cup final , switched his attentions to Iro .
9 Relief workers reported in early August that since the beginning of the year thousands of Ethiopians had died in the Ogaden region and in the refugee camps of Gode , Kelafo and Dolo in the south-east .
10 Thus refined , the medicine passed to Central Asia and into the syllabuses of the universities of Samarkand and Tashkent .
11 One of the first peoples to burst out of Central Asia and into the lands south and west of the Caspian were the Seljuks , a people of Turkish stock who subdued a broad band of territory from Afghanistan across to Syria , occupying Damascus and Jerusalem .
12 An estimated 40,000,000 people witnessed the longest total eclipse of the Sun visible anywhere on Earth on July 11 in a 150-mile path stretching from Hawaii , through central America and into the north-east of south America .
13 Despite the April heat , the rebel army made fast progress through Central India and by the end of the month had reached a position near Ujjain .
14 The case for this development , which seems likely to come about , is strengthened by the fact that the voluntary colleges are already involved in their appropriate RACs and by the existence of the ‘ hybrid ’ colleges , that is those administered jointly by voluntary bodies and local authorities .
15 To start with , his Sonata No. 1 , written at the age of 19 , inhabits the same romantic hothouse as his teacher Franz Schreker — rather attractively and close to early Berg but without the discipline of his concise Piano Sonata , Op. 1 .
16 Mrs Blakey had a way of saying , annoying Stephen because of the implication that everything they did had to be done together .
17 And of the proposed Mansion House Square project , he went on , ‘ It would be a tragedy if the character and skyline of our capital city were to be further ruined and St Paul 's dwarfed by yet another giant glass stump better suited to downtown Chicago than to the City of London . ’
18 That first unexpected glimpse from taxi , aerial Metro or between the tower blocks that punctuate the swirling boulevard peripherique proclaims Paris more surely than anything .
19 ‘ We left Reyjavik on Good Friday and on the Sunday morning I was turned in , having come off watch at 0400 hours .
20 This corresponds to the Archibenthic Zone of Transition in the eastern Atlantic and to the Abyssal Province in the west .
21 The extraordinary background of this veiled beauty is at first revealed only in hints and large generalisations as Ayesha woos Leo Vincey as her reincarnated lover , and the story was not extended significantly until thirty-six years later when Rider Haggard indulged his passion for Ancient Egypt and for the occult by giving Ayesha a family and a local habitation in Wisdom 's Daughter .
22 It is often said that Yugoslavia exports lower-quality products to the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe than to the West .
23 By the later seventeenth century , therefore , it was clearly becoming the language of diplomacy in general , though perceptibly more slowly in eastern Europe than in the west .
24 What effect will the drive into Eastern Europe and into the USSR have ?
25 The Bush tour produced no substantial new initiatives , and was seen primarily as a US effort to reassure the region 's governments that they were not being ignored , even though US foreign policy was currently dominated by eastern Europe and by the Gulf crisis .
26 Finance Ministers and central bank governors noted especially the central and important role played by the IMF and the World Bank group institutions in the move towards economic stabilization and reform in central and eastern Europe and in the implementation of the strengthened debt strategy .
27 The obstacles in the path of de-centralising reforms will be as difficult to negotiate in Eastern Europe as in the USSR , and in present conditions it is possible that the patient would not survive the cure .
28 The association between youth and beauty has been evident throughout history , particularly in ancient Greece and during the Renaissance .
29 Yet democracy , both in ancient Greece and in the politics of the past two centuries , has never been achieved without a struggle , and that struggle has always been , in good part , a type of class struggle , even if it is very simply characterized , as it was by many Greeks , as a struggle of the many poor against the few who are rich and well-born .
30 The DPP , which wants an independent Taiwan and unlike the KMT harbours no dreams about the mainland , sees itself as representing the majority of the Taiwanese , who were on the island long before the mainland influx of the late 1940s .
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