Example sentences of "[adj] [adj] [noun pl] [prep] the same " in BNC.

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1 The stone chair in the Throne Sanctuary at Knossos seems to imitate a wooden precursor ; the frescoes show folding wooden stools with cushions , such as were used in ancient Egypt ; there is indirect evidence , in inlay work and bronze hinges , of storage chests , cabinets and chairs ; presumably there were also low wooden beds of the same type inferred from a cast discovered at Akrotiri on Thera .
2 Samples were taken from three different normal subjects in the same physiological conditions .
3 Two different valuers may well come up with two different detailed valuations of the same property — providing fertile ground for appeals and disputes . ’
4 And a health board inquiry centring on several allegations of abuse against teenage male students by the same Catholic priest is also being carried out .
5 The pupil understands that different units of length will produce different numerical answers for the same length .
6 Genoves ( 1959 ) , for example , found that its general shape in Anglo-Saxons was quite different from that in British mediaeval individuals of the same sex .
7 Another central element in Braverman 's thesis is that management , in order to achieve their objective of tight control over labour , not only fragment jobs horizontally — in the sense that different physical elements of the same task are split off from each other to be done by separate individuals — but fragment jobs vertically , as well .
8 The significant point , at least according to Huxley , is that the allometric variation that is so clearly observable between different sized individuals of the same species , can also be observed between animals of different size in different ( though related ) species .
9 In the 1960s , the Soviet Union rapidly discovered that its connection with Cuba led to the complication and distortion of its relations with other Latin American nations at the same time as it presented them with new opportunities in the region .
10 Pension contributions of employers and employees fell from around 42% to about 30% of total personal savings over the same period .
11 Creole words can thus follow either of two routes into LE : ( 1 ) with their Creole pronunciation intact , as a badge of their ethnic origin and distinctness from Standard English words of the same form , or ( 2 ) in " anglicised " form , conforming to the pronunciation rules of LE .
12 If he had had any doubts about paternity , they were dispelled ; for , even though he kept his distance , he did once get near enough to the pair to become acutely aware that the child bore a striking resemblance to him : dark hair , dark brown eyes beneath the same unusual winged eyebrows .
13 At a very general and abstract level , this must be so — indeed , it is part of the prevailing ageism , which will be discussed later , that we often do not see old people as ordinary human beings with the same responses and reactions .
14 Griffith then took ordinary cold rods of the same glass about a millimetre thick and broke them in tension , finding that they had a tensile strength of about 25,000 p.s.i .
15 In the multiparty general election held on May 20 , 1990 , the NSF gained 66 per cent of the vote ; Iliescu , President of the NSF Council Executive Bureau , won the separate presidential elections on the same day with 85 per cent of the vote .
16 It has been reliably reported with large doses of intrathecal morphine and diamorphine and probably occurs occasionally with large daily doses of the same drugs intravenously .
17 Again in a design-based system there is no reason why differing model forms can not be used to provide differing pictorial displays of the same data .
18 The unstressed mixed and unstressed mid utterances were converted to their corresponding stressed representations in the same way .
19 Corollary Inc will announce the availability of CNS-1600 , a built-in surge protection feature on its Connection Station communication servers : CNS-1600 is an Ethernet device , which enables users to hot key between multiple simultaneous sessions with the same or different host ; it provides protection for up to 16 serial lines ; out this week .
20 CNS-1600 is an Ethernet device , which enables users to hot key between multiple simultaneous sessions with the same or different host .
21 Designs based on the opulent floral schemes of the 17th and 18th-century French workshops of the same names .
22 Complex congenital abnormalities within the same organ ( for example , tetralogy of Fallot ) or sequences ( for example , spina bifida cystica with hydrocephalus and clubfoot , or diaphragmatic defect with lung hypoplasia and dextrocardia ) were classified as isolated .
23 If possible , the institutional investors should subscribe a separate class of preferred ordinary shares at the same price ( or less ) per share as the management 's ordinary shares .
24 Both techniques have been used and separately give good straight lines with the same slope , but the fact that the lines do not overlap precisely indicates that the measurements may not be exactly equivalent .
25 His own dismissal of deconstruction as a merely textual practice means that he is himself at a loss when faced with the complex conceptual dialectics of the same and the other .
26 Once we take account of this distinction , we recognize that there can be alternative CONCEPTUALIZATIONS of the same event ( illustrated in the Golding passage ) , as well as alternative syntactic expressions of the same sense ( as in Ohmann 's treatment of Faulkner ) .
27 It may be possible to analyse the plans of the other ancient Cretan temples in the same way .
28 Sometimes there are two , or more , alternative chemical pathways to the same useful end .
29 Of the 36,496 sentenced male prisoners on the same date , 3,629 ( 9.9 per cent ) were Afro-Caribbean , 1,059 ( 2.9 per cent ) were Indian , Pakistani or Bangladeshi and 667 ( 1.8 per cent ) of Chinese , Arab or mixed origins ( ibid ) .
30 Avoid monoculture : growing large areas of the same crop which then becomes an easy target .
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