Example sentences of "[adj] [adj] [noun sg] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The revised Investment Business Regulations may reduce the unnecessary administrative burden created by the original regulations , and relaxing the statutory audit requirement for small companies may provide firms with an opportunity to provide their clients with more valuable services , while at the same time reducing their professional risk .
2 Comparing the post-acute pancreatitis patients with the controls , the time taken for labelled total protein to appear in the duodenal juice was significantly ( p<0.05 ) longer in the post-acute pancreatitis patients ( Table II , Fig 3 ) .
3 On the farm the introduction of tractors and combine harvesters has brought about a vast decrease in the number of employment opportunities and an added stimulus to the rural working population to move to the towns in search of jobs .
4 In part this failure of the middle classes to present a unified political front arose from the very intransigence of the regime .
5 Stirling accelerated and immediately a loud screaming noise came from the front of the vehicle .
6 patients with acute watery diarrhoea presenting to the hospital Emergency Service were admitted to a metabolic ward for the study .
7 When school was over , Mr Trilby decided to investigate further , so he walked to the house where Miss Trunchbull lived on the edge of the village , the lovely small red-brick Georgian building known as The Red House , tucked away in the woods behind the hills .
8 It leads only to the Charles Inglis Clark mountain hut , a prestigious private hut owned by the Scottish Mountaineering Club and hence frequented by respectable rock-climbing doctors , lawyers and accountants .
9 Trap earwigs as they advance up your peach trees by tying small lengths of hollow broad bean sticks to the branches .
10 Both expansions of the European Economic Community led to the central institutions of the Community arguing successfully that , for the enlargement to function , they must be given more powers and the Community ‘ s political union must be strengthened .
11 You would n't know it was autumn except for the odd dry leaf blowing down the road from the cemetery .
12 Usually , the m-derived section is designed to resonate at a frequency just outside the pass band of the prototype so that its strong resonant attenuation coincides with the range of weakest attenuation of the prototype .
13 To align the instrument with the computer image of the skull , specific anatomical reference points on the patient 's face , such as the corner of the mouth , are aligned to corresponding points on the three-dimensional image .
14 Total outstanding credit provided by the Fund had also risen ( from SDR24,388 million to SDR25,603 million , but compared with a peak of SDR37,622 million at the end of April 1985 ) .
15 Paddy would only change hands as part of a specific economic debt contracted outside the field of kinship relations .
16 Networks of production and consumption relations , ossified in fixed capital and anachronistic infrastructure , share the same geographical location as the places mediated by the rich political symbolism invested in the notion of the inner city .
17 Kraag , a retired Creole politician belonging to the minority Surinam National Party ( NPS ) , undertook to hold free elections in 100 days .
18 After a few days had passed , an old woman was walking from the Doon bridge into Alloway village and passing the partially ruined Kirk Alloway , when she heard a loud bellowing sound coming from the church .
19 Middlesbrough are no Spartak , and were no match for Souness 's side , who shook off any possible European hangover to dominate from the first whistle .
20 But they felt unable to admit Gentiles as subjects and therefore embarked on a policy of forced conversions which ultimately resulted in the rise of the poorly Judaized Idumean Herodes to the throne of Jerusalem .
21 Conditions stayed favourable and when we got to the headland of Volunteer Point , the small boat was launched and we were ferried ashore with only the odd wet foot resulting from the landing .
22 Instead , we opened with a symphonic version of the ‘ Dead March ’ from ‘ Saul ’ , fading out into the reading of a six-stanza poetic eulogy written for the occasion by a local lady admirer and 1OAB fan .
23 His hand-built furniture has a strong architectural feel epitomised by the sophisticated Gothick Conservatory range ( as shown above and left ) .
24 Her rich brown hair gleamed beneath the widow 's veil ; the bone structure of her face was overlaid with a suitable pallor , but no outward sign of grief .
25 This was at Anthony Coburn 's insistence , who felt there was something ‘ not quite right ’ about an unspoken-for teenage girl travelling about the Universe with an old man .
26 Forster 's grotesque rubber mask nodded at the inferno .
27 Health authorities in general can call on a wide range of hospital and other staff in the course of de-hospitalizing patients , they have enjoyed their own financial resources from which to fund such developments and they have had the lucky coincidence of a rapidly expanding private residential sector funded by the social security system .
28 Petre was the principal representative of an enlightened , tolerant , rather tepid English Catholicism shared by the small but powerful grouping of ‘ old ’ Catholic families .
29 It has therefore frequently been maintained that for the ancient Hebrews time was a unidirectional linear process extending from the divine act of creation to the ultimate accomplishment of God 's purpose and the final triumph , here on earth , of the chosen people , Israel .
30 Together they started to laugh , the deep chuckle and the dry whispery cackle rolling past the monks , who returned with a start to their praying ; past Bridhe , Elizabeth , Marion , Hector and his young attendants , the women , clan officers , nephews , cousins , clansmen great and common , clustered weeping at the death-bed of the man who had been chief for the whole life-time of most of them .
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