Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] be [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I ought therefore to be grateful for being disorientated by the unfamiliar and the chance to focus the innocent eye .
2 Ivy was pleased : ‘ I am grateful for being brought before the public , ’ she wrote .
3 ‘ It is a miracle they are still alive after being thrown into the air , ’ he said .
4 ALEC Stewart made light of being struck on the head by a stone during yesterday 's one-day international defeat at Gwalior .
5 ALEC Stewart made light of being struck on the head by a stone during yesterday 's one-day international defeat at Gwalior .
6 I was afraid of being suspected of the murder , I suppose . ’
7 Astronomers at JTL , afraid of being scooped by the amateurs , put out a press release claiming IRAS discovered it first — but they failed to mention the British team that found it for them .
8 They hurried across the plateau , afraid of being caught on the forest path after dark , glad that the wind was behind them , billowing out their skirts and propelling them forward on legs that ran involuntarily .
9 Lots of girls married in haste and repented at leisure then because they were afraid of being left on the shelf .
10 If you are genuinely interested in being included on the national register of bone marrow donors please contact the Ohd on
11 It was damp from being buried in the leaves .
12 This can be a critically important action as the human memory is notoriously selective , and loose-leaf and logbook notes are prone to be separated from the project plan .
13 For a start , opponents he had skinned last season were wiser men second time around and less prone to be dismantled by the quickest feet in the Premier League .
14 His time of 46.55secs was a second slower than David Grindley ran in Rome on Wednesday and Grindley is now favourite to be picked for the European Cup later this month .
15 The Unemployment Act 1934 introduced a national assistance scheme for the unemployed to be managed by the Unemployment Assistance Board under the direction of the Minister of Labour under which allowances became payable to assist unemployed persons .
16 BE prepared to be dazzled by the Pale Saints when they play in the North-East next week .
17 It was several months before anything significant happened in Edward 's life — by which time he was so sick of the stagnant war that he would have been prepared to be parachuted into the heart of Germany wearing a kilt .
18 Whereupon Mr Gamage himself appeared and stated that he was fully prepared to be shot in the hand from close range , in the full view of the court , in order to defend his honour and his business interests .
19 The magistrate was having none of this , however , believing that it would lower the dignity of the law , although the prosecuting counsel had a better idea and asked Mr Gamage if he was equally prepared to be shot in the face .
20 However , she was not prepared to be led by the nose to the altar .
21 The British people are not prepared to be conned by the bogus political asylum seeker .
22 But he 's prepared to be judged on the kind of material that has made him a television star .
23 No one from the Gloucestershire police force was prepared to be interviewed about the matter , but the Deputy Chief Constable , Nigel Burgess told us
24 confirmed that he was willing to be co-opted onto the National Education Committee to assist with NVQ development and this was agreed by the meeting .
25 They also knew that the support of Indian ‘ moderates ’ , that is , those Indians who were willing to be persuaded of the Raj 's essential righteousness of intent , would be lost if they became too blatantly repressive .
26 ‘ I am willing to be identified in the hope that more people who may have information will contact the police . ’
27 People wish to emulate their leader and are willing to be controlled in the ‘ process .
28 If the garden is small it will be a case of growing the monkey puzzle in the swimming pool , so many demands will be made on it , but most herbs are sufficiently ornamental to be fitted into the aesthetic need that a garden fulfils .
29 It left her free to be moved by the whole range of feeling , which was fragmented by personal action : the enmeshed lovers , the pleasure of the children , the beauty of her daughter , the fondling of the gentle night air , the great sky deepening gradually but surely , as it was being veiled in film on film of darker blues and velvets , it was all for her .
30 However , it 's always nice to be asked , and since so much of life consists of filling in that essentially dull period between waking up and going to sleep , it 's quite exciting to be wooed in the form of a tempting jaunt-ette to parts foreign .
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