Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [art] [adv] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You must have been asleep for a very long time , ’ he said .
2 He tells me of the only time he has seen his mother drink ; her infant grandchild vomited on her coat , and she spouted a fine , volatile performance , screaming Christ Almighty the cross a woman has to bear , taking the Lord 's name in vain for the very first time .
3 Er well he was unemployed for a quite some time er and he got odd casual jobs er and then finally doing er as late as the second world war he got er he got employment on the railway .
4 The goals should be realistic ( i.e. attainable in a relatively short time ) and specific .
5 Taiwan 's experience is typical of poor countries that have become rich and industrialised in a relatively short time .
6 ‘ Doses would remain large for a very long time
7 I am a new reader having bought Machine Knitting Monthly for the very first time this morning .
8 All you need to do is to be sufficiently obstructive for a sufficiently long time and and his mates will turn around and throw up their hands and shak and and turn somersaults .
9 People who have intelligence and a conscience wrestle with these problems and we 've come to a conclusion which is as good a deal as we think we can get , with the people of the area and with the Labour party and I think he said that if people in this authority are sufficiently obstructive for a sufficiently long time then people will change their minds .
10 There was no doubt that if it did spread to the nearest stack it would set the whole hayfield alight in a very short time .
11 However , since an Enforcement Notice has to be confirmed by the Secretary of State who is required to have a hearing , and since compensation is payable for any loss arising out of a Stop Notice , if the notice is quashed because the development is authorised or does not require planning permission , unauthorised development can , and does , go on unpenalised for a very long time .
12 It was immediately clear that the book had been undisturbed for a very long time , perhaps even since it had been laid to rest .
13 If we have recently lost sleep ( after a week of trying to sleep in the daytime , for example ) or have been awake for an unusually long time , then the amount of deep sleep is increased but it is still concentrated in the earlier part of sleep .
14 As a result , we feel very tired after a comparatively short time .
15 ‘ When you 've been very independent for a very long time , to depend on somebody else is n't easy , I find .
16 Pros : Proves indispensable after a very short time — Power Toolbox is especially nice .
17 For these technical reasons , the Audio Visual machine is much more advanced , and would not have to upgraded within a relatively short time , as I would fear with the 3M machine .
18 However , for a cross-sectional study , a body of field workers , equipment , working accommodation , etc. , must be available for a relatively short time on a one-off basis .
19 If such businesses are independent and directly answerable to the stock market , any bad investment decisions would only become apparent after a very long time .
20 The brandy , which they had been too polite to refuse , had made them drunk in a very short time , as they were not used to drinking anything stronger than beer .
21 The reason for space is available at a traditionally busy time is said to be due to school holiday dates now being more staggered .
22 But this was a great feeling of what we had been used to over the years in watching American movies and , with our tongue in cheek and a bit of a giggle , seeing the adventures of the cavalry arriving , And for the first time in our years of combat I had a glow , a rosy glow , inside me and I knew and was certain for the very first time now we could not be beaten .
23 " Two people can become close in a very short time , "
24 They also tend to remain positive for a very long time , if not indefinitely , unless the infection has been treated in the very early stages .
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