Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] made [prep] the same " in BNC.

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1 Drinkers can now choose between a French Chablis at £7 in the shops , or an Australian wine made from the same grapes , although inevitably with a slightly different character , at £5 .
2 In a linked announcement made at the same time the company unveiled a low-end addition to its 6611 multi-protocol router family — designed to tackle the burgeoning and lucrative branch-office market .
3 This result was particularly striking when junctions were considered individually and it became clear that this relationship was at least partly independent of the amount of time spent at the junction , number of vehicles seen and the judgment of estimated risk made at the same time .
4 Inter-rater reliability ranges from 86 per cent to 92 per cent and intra-rater reliability ( agreement for the analysis of errors from a single test made by the same tester on different occasions ) is 91 per cent .
5 The Illington-Lackford type of pottery occurs on 4 per cent of cemeteries and 15 per cent of settlements in East Anglia , strongly suggesting that it was being used for domestic , as well as funerary , use , and it is estimated that undecorated pottery made from the same fabrics outnumber the decorated Illington-Lackford pots by 15:1 .
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