Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] she have be [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 She guessed it would be Nicky Kai , eager to hear her singing the praises of her beloved island once more , and she might be willing to stay and share the light supper she had been planning for herself as it was Sunday , the one evening of the week on which Florian might occasionally make a concession to the fact of his breakfast show slot and retire soon after dark .
2 On the day when Katherine came home to find the easel her father had given her collapsed on the floor and the careful copy she had been making of Vermeer 's ‘ Girl with a Mandolin' splattered with red paint , she made her decision .
3 At one point the mistress of disguise demonstrated to her co-accused how the ginger wig she had been wearing when they were stopped by police , fell off as she adjusted her hat .
4 It was hard to believe that this generously smiling woman was the same predatory creature she 'd been watching just a moment ago — but the image she had seen was seared in her brain , and suddenly she knew there was no way in the world that she could allow this woman to be a mother to Kirsty .
5 It was too mortifying for words , and it intensified the vulnerable feeling she 'd been experiencing around Guy Sterne .
6 He dragged the 18-year-old girl to a nearby common and forced her into humiliating sex acts for more than an hour while the three-month-old baby she had been caring for lay alone in the house .
7 All their married life she had been living a lie .
8 He was probably quite old , then , Lindsey thought , busily fitting pieces into the mental jigsaw she had been trying to build up of her new boss .
9 She opened a small peacock-blue fan she had been holding and began to fan herself .
10 While fashion magazines announce that longer skirts are in style , the princess has again appeared in the multi-coloured striped skirt she has been wearing for more than a year .
11 It was a phrase from the very page she had been reading .
12 Close behind him followed Alain Lemarchand , looking more suspicious than intrigued , and Glyn said the very thing she had been praying for .
13 On the landing , she led the way to the small room she had been using as her office .
14 It was the only thing she 'd been wearing that had n't come away when they undressed .
15 The only thing she 'd been trying to do was calm Guido down and defuse the situation .
16 Ten minutes later , dressed in a pair of grey trousers and the same red jacket she 'd been wearing yesterday , she was turning into the hotel car park , slotting her Mini quickly into one of the spaces , then striding resolutely towards the hotel 's main entrance .
17 She had discarded the dirty wrapper she had been wearing and had on long silky black stockings and suspenders , a black peephole bra and crutchless panties .
18 Ever since she had realised that he was the new officer she had been dreading the moment they would have to actually start working together .
19 One of the pink slips was a Returning-Your-Call message from a recently-elected female politician she had been trying to contact for days .
20 Four days ago in a similar quiet period she had been gossiping with her uncle , listening to his barbed comments on affairs , on the art world , and on his family .
21 I was carried ignominiously between two colleagues back to the car and greeted my wife with the sheepish grin she had been dreading ever since I took up the sport .
22 She said in the new , husky voice she had been practising , ‘ Heavens , it 's so hot .
23 For the past half-hour she had been feeling distinctly uneasy as the ever-present shadows had deepened into almost impenetrable blackness .
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