Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] for [adv] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Meanwhile , start-up Echo Logic , the Bell Labs Inc spin-off being funded by AT&T Ventures Corporation , the phone company 's venture arm , has announced a pact with Apple Computer Inc that it 's apparently had in its back pocket for over a year .
2 Start-up Echo Logic , the Bell Labs Inc spin-off being funded by AT&T Ventures Corporation , the phone company 's venture arm , last week announced a pact with Apple Computer Inc that it 's apparently had in its back pocket for over a year .
3 A couple of days , he 'd said , but he ended up staying in the Commercial Hotel for almost a year .
4 With my wife 's reluctant agreement ( she did not fancy being left on her own with our two year old son for over a week ) , we started to plan our journey .
5 Turn it into an oiled bowl , cover with a polythene bag and leave in a warm place for about an hour or until the dough has doubled in size .
6 However , two changes that have occurred in the power game have been the awakening of concentrated industrial or union power , which rested like a sleeping giant for nearly a century , and the emergence of consumer power .
7 Gullholm had been her entire world for almost a fortnight , except for the trip to the nursing home .
8 In this year 's ITV shake-up Central secured its regional franchise for just a fraction of the price paid by most of its rivals .
9 Left to its own devices , real ale stays in a drinkable condition for about a week .
10 I looked into the little mirror for just a moment .
11 It has 32Mb to 256Mb RAM , 239Gb hard disk , up to 2Gb internal capacity and optional slot for either a CD-ROM , DAT or 3.5 ’ floppy .
12 The new school suffered from a degree of excess capacity for quite a number of years : by 1894 the average attendance was 109 , Miss Harris acting as assistant mistress ; she was shortly replaced by Benjamin 's daughter , Minnie Titford , and they were joined by Miss Maud Reading , the infants ' mistress , as the average attendance rose to a hundred and twenty .
13 I 'm 15 years old and I 've been with my current boyfriend for quite a while .
14 Such omission is completely in sympathy with the trend in physical geography for nearly a century after Man and Nature .
15 It should be explained at this point that each university is funded at the full rate for only a core number of ‘ Fully Funded ’ students in each of 25 ‘ narrow ’ subject groups .
16 The anthem , flower-presentation , long walk and interminable announcements all took place after the teams had taken the field , where they were forced to kick their heels in a neat line for nearly a quarter of an hour during which the chanteuse and the French Army choir six times exhorted the crowd : ‘ To Arms ! ’ .
17 Yet from 10.15p.m. the line bites began and bream had been rolling steadily along the familiar route for almost an hour .
18 ‘ Lower interest rates have contributed to a pick-up in the growth of narrow money , while retail sales have been on a steady upward trend for almost a year .
19 So , as with choice among different types of credit arrangement , choice between credit and cash is a matter of practical reality for only a minority of consumers .
20 ‘ I suppose all the sorting out at the flat will take up the spare time for quite a while .
21 Delegates are still addressed as brother , sister , or comrade , but this year there are electronic signs in the hall giving the speaker 's name — as there have been at the Conservative conference for quite a while .
22 It is sold as a paste and is hardened by light ; once the paste is in the cavity , the dentist sets it by shining a blue light for about a minute .
23 Billy had been a close friend for over a year now and they had had some good times together .
24 Mrs O had been chatting to a close friend for over an hour .
25 An underground nuclear test , the first by the Soviet Union for almost a year , was carried out on Oct. 24 on Novaya Zemlya island inside the Arctic Circle .
26 Turn into the pie dish and bake in a moderate oven for about an hour .
27 Thread the meat onto large skewers and grill over a gentle heat for about an hour , turning every 10 minutes , basting with the marinade at the same time .
28 In apparent agreement with this idea , some subjects appeared to benefit from continual advances of their sleep/wake rhythm ( as though they were continually flying eastward ) or by being woken temporarily at about four o'clock in the morning to receive a burst of bright light for about an hour .
29 Our cupid symbol indicates that we can recommend a special room for either a special room for either a honeymoon holiday or simply for a romantic celebration break .
30 Then Brian Mooney , playing his first senior game for nearly a year , was dispossessed on the edge of the penalty area and Minto gleefully scored the winner .
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