Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] at the high [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The new chairman of the physics committee , Professor Michael Hart of Kings College , London , wants to see more representation of mainstream physics at the highest levels within the SERC — especially on the council itself .
2 In the event it was only those six states in which agitation for closer political and economic integration had been strongest in the 1940s , with political support at the highest level , which entered into the discussions that led to the establishment of the European Coal and Steel Community ( ECSC ) .
3 To produce highly trained people with scientific knowledge and technical expertise at the highest level , not just within the science base , but throughout the economy .
4 We have an Academic Advisory Group , chaired by Lord Lewis , which has given us access to professional expertise at the highest level .
5 The meeting concluded that " the well-being of children requires political action at the highest level " .
6 Rocky outcrop at the highest point of the grouse moors ; view over Wharfedale towards Burnsall and of Skyreholme , a tributary valley .
7 There was growing public concern at the high toll of deaths and injuries among servicemen in peacetime , and this had become a significant factor in the worsening problem of draft-dodging .
8 In this regard an employee who is the victim of a violent incident whilst undertaking such temporary duties and , as a result , is absent from work will be paid the appropriate allowance at the higher rate for as long as the circumstances which gave rise to this temporary arrangement continues .
9 Peron was a political patron at the highest level , who offered his workers definite improvements in return for their support on which he depended .
10 Arbroath 's south transept even looks as if it has smelt the wind under which it will sail ; it is a tall , bare , one-shouldered hulk with a single blank eye at the high gable top where a rose window used to be .
11 Tuesday , 23rd : After a brief meeting at the High Commission with the Education Adviser , I gave a second lecture on ‘ the Logic of Polite Conversation ’ at J.N.U. , and was afterwards invited to lunch by the English Department , in the company of the Vice-Chancellor and various members of staff .
12 Sometimes , presumably in order to try to influence the climate , there was even a little skirmishing at the highest level , about the timing of various publications .
13 TREVOR FRANCIS spent the whole of his playing career at the highest level and is now making it clear he 's not going to drop those standards as a manager .
14 The impression is reinforced by political outrage at the high pay and perks of the international aid agencies ( Senator Leahy swears that the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development , one of the most lavish , will not get a penny as long as Jacques Attali remains its head ) .
15 The LTA is operating in what is today a very professional tennis world , yet on all the LTA 's innumerable committees , there is hardly a single person who has had personal experience of playing top class international tennis at the highest level since the game went ‘ Open ’ in 1968 .
16 On external relations , the European Council welcomed " the results of the United National Conference on Environment and Development ( UNCED ) held in Rio de Janeiro from June 3 to June 14 , 1992 [ see p. 38947 ] , and in particular the acceptance by the international community at the highest level of the aim of sustainable development worldwide . "
17 From Figures 7.2 and 7.3 it is clear that there is indeed more risk-related information at the high risk junctions and this is more marked for the high risk exemplars than the low risk ones .
18 We are in regular contact with the Israeli Government at the highest level on this issue .
19 The possibility of an encounter with their descendants , and the inevitability of the conflict which would follow , was the recurring nightmare which disturbed sleep at the highest levels of the Imperium .
20 From where she stood on the gravelled forecourt , she saw that the flight of steps ahead led up to the living accommodation at the higher level , no doubt to exploit the panoramic view , while below , built into the slope , were the garages and stores .
21 At a private hearing at the High Court in London next month , Mr Justice Ognall is expected to extend the original February 2 deadline for joining in the legal action for children under 16 .
22 Denis Evans , secretary of the WRU , said : ‘ Both men have demonstrated their great commitment to Wales over the last nine months and have shown they have the talent and organisational ability to help generate success for the Welsh team at the highest level . ’
23 If anything these somewhat stereotyped complaints sound not unlike the protest of agrarian society at the higher wages and extravagant consumption patterns of the industrial sector , at the dissolute habits of miners and the St Monday custom observed by many artificers .
24 On February 28 , a man walking along the beach at Reculver , between Herne Bay and Margate , found the body of a young woman at the high tide mark .
25 I did find with mine that the secret lay in a final row at the higher tension and that removing the weights was the answer to perfect transferring .
26 International relations were determined by local factors as well as the interplay of political intrigue and diplomatic negotiation at the highest level : what Powicke rather dismissively described as ‘ a chapter in French local history ’ can not be ignored if one is to explain the ebb and flow of events and the rapid transition from peace to war in this region .
27 Lord Wilson 's account in 1985 of the decay of what was intended to mark a sea-change in the process and outcome of economic policy-making at the highest level is best read slowly and without comment — except , perhaps , to note that , in reforming terms , an almost ideal apprenticeship for a Prime Minister is no guarantee that he will deliver the goods :
28 She wore a moulded oval felt hat , with a deliberate dent at the high point .
29 One highly ‘ political ’ Lord Chancellor — like Lord Hailsham of St Marylebone — can , if he chooses , make a considerable impact on judicial lawmaking at the highest level but , for this to be so , it is not necessary that he should have held political office or have been a Member of Parliament or a law officer .
30 I think that given that University work is supposed to encourage intellectual activity at the highest level of which any individual is capable it is very important to increase motivation by allowing those individuals to proceed at their own pace and to establish their cognitive frames as and when they feel capable of doing so .
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