Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] as [adv] [conj] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Hidden behind a shrine-like structure are two touch-screen video programmes , designed to introduce visitors to Korean daily life as well as to provide background information on the more important exhibits .
2 But he appears to reject eclecticism as an evaluative principle as well and to argue that pedagogic practice must be the application of a single theory of language acquisition , namely his own .
3 Funding would also be provided for programmes to familiarize senior black leaders with British institutions of democratic government as well as to assist those involved in the signing of the peace accord .
4 During 1990-91 Mongolia continued to expand contacts with the industrialized world as well as to develop its relationship with China .
5 These users want access to tools to extend the spatial database as well as to make spatial analyses .
6 Alfred was an occasional visitor to his kinsman Doniert and stayed with him at Liskeard to hunt the red deer and wild boar as well as to visit St. Gueryr , a friend of St. Neot skilled in healing , Alfred not being a well man .
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