Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] we do not [verb] " in BNC.

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1 er I 'm afraid Chairman we do n't have the final account here
2 " Oh , it 's a bet we had with Sandra , " one of the girls giggled , " but she 's such an old fibber we do n't believe she 's won it . "
3 Furthermore , points out O'Connor ( 1973 p 123 ) , because languages have " different numbers of phonemes , and different allophones representing them , it follows that in a foreign language we do not hear the sounds in the same way as a native speaker does …
4 He said : ’ there is no statistical evidence that is known to me at the present time of people who are actually being discharged from the private sector We do not have evidence to bring to you of a substantial number of people who have been discharged against their will from the private sector . ’
5 There 's a tremendous amount we do n't know about the atmosphere .
6 President-elect Clinton , in the second day of his barnstorming session on the economy in Little Rock , Arkansas said of the IBM cut-backs ‘ That kind of investment is the exact thing we do n't want them to be cutting . ’
7 Good job we did n't go to school after all , cos you 'd of run round in the playground , you 'd of been shattered ! oops , too late !
8 Good job we did n't meet it coming the other way , then , ’ said Masklin .
9 ‘ It 's a good thing we do n't have any close neighbours , ’ remarked Julius 's voice .
10 Mr Bob Wright , National Farmers Union Midland and Northwest spokesman commenting on the good weather We do n't want to turn our cows into drug addicts .
11 And the man goes sorry mate we do n't do blood .
12 Well the advice Mrs then is if you know what variety it is and you know it 's a variety tough enough to grow outdoors like er Peregrine , then send protection at the susceptible time of the year when the blossom 's out , otherwise er if it is a tend a more tender variety we do n't think er the thing is going to survive and certainly not going to fruit .
13 The only news we do n't have is from the YF .
14 The only thing we do n't know is motive .
15 Only thing we do n't need is 'possums .
16 and I say round Vauxhalls the only thing we did n't see at Vauxhalls was the er paint shop
17 and we watched them and we watched er see , that 's the only thing we did n't see
18 The only thing we did n't like in there was two tins of tuna fish .
19 We have a great deal of sympathy er but whereas I do n't think some of the ideas that have been floated tonight for a Cornwall and Gibraltar West seat er or erm any kind of link up between Cornwall and any tail end of a Welsh seat we do n't think is practical and I think he 's got ta solve this problem er within the confines of Cornwall being regarded as part of England if not Anglo Saxon .
20 Since in connection with this American libel we did not employ Mr Quintin Hogg , I wrote him a short letter and received a courteous reply : The third occasion when we instituted proceedings was several years later , in 1971 , when Harold Wilson was back in opposition , and related to the activities of the BBC , which produced a thoroughly incompetent piece of television called Yesterday 's Men .
21 ‘ But ’ Agnes decided ‘ even if it was the Secret Service we do n't want them knowing you 're off to St Louis and points West any more then we want the Bravoes …
22 To our pleasant surprise we did not have long to wait before hearing that my application for transfer to Felixstowe had been successful .
23 Where Richard was during these years of military and diplomatic manoeuvring we do not know , but it is a reasonable guess that he was with his mother , since Aquitaine was her duchy and it was by her wish that it was to be made over to him .
24 Now the other side we did n't have one at all , we did , it were just the path down .
25 We can dismiss inflight editorial wholesale , slag off any other editorial we do n't like as belonging to an inflight magazine , and just generally have something to feel superior to .
26 Nice to speak to you , erm , I 'd just like to say that er , take me now as a , as a normal chap from England who looked across right through his life at Russia as the big bad bear and eight years ago I had the opportunity of going over there , just an ordinary chap and er , of course , there 's so much about the Soviet Union we do n't know , we did , we , erm , for instance we were over there in 1982 when they were celebrating sixty years of the incorporation of the saints into the Soviet Union .
27 Well on the other hand we did n't want one between us er
28 That if we want an internal report we do n't have to include photographs .
29 Since we were unsure if they meant Wednesday 18th March or Thursday 19th March yesterday 's correct date we did n't follow him .
30 Indeed , on the Lazarsfeldian conception we do not need to know what class really is .
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