Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] from [noun] to time " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Yes — well me and Rich fight from time to time .
2 Clean out the feeding compartment from time to time .
3 He was afflicted with a tubercular cough from time to time , and also nasal haemorrhaging .
4 He says it 's part of the staff 's contract that they work different shift from time to time — at times of crisis or if someone is sick we have to ask someone who knows the job to cover .
5 And while media attention is useful in arousing the public conscience from time to time , there is little follow-up .
6 Every conventional wet system takes in small amounts of fresh water from time to time , and these introduce a fresh supply of mineral salts , which build up as scale deposits in the boiler and the system pipework , as well as fresh oxygen , which aids further corrosion .
7 The system takes in small amounts of fresh water from time to time , and these introduce a fresh supply of mineral salts , which build up as scale deposits in the boiler and within the pipework .
8 Should take two hours to freeze and should be worked with a wooden spoon from time to time . "
9 The Labour leader yesterday intoned the word ‘ socialism ’ in a purely ritualistic sense from time to time .
10 Confidence in the feminine within allows us to let go of the outer image from time to time .
11 The headship of the amalgamated department will be assigned by the Hebdomadal Council from time to time for specified periods of not less than five years to one of the persons holding an established academic post in the department , normally with the title of professor or reader .
12 Buff with a stainless-steel polish from time to time to keep the cutlery pristine .
13 And though not a leaf or outline moved , there seemed more air , and a fresh little welcome breath from time to time near one 's skin .
14 The directorate has a continual need for processed information to support decision making , to develop policy and advice for Academic Board and Governors , and to satisfy the appetite of external bodies such as DF.S , CNAA , NAB/PCFC , etc. for numerical information From time to time there is also the need for high quality information to support particular initiatives , such as the ( successful ) application for accreditation .
15 It can be done , though it involves going into a little detail from time to time about points of central importance , and it needs simplifications which trouble an author 's respect for exact truth and may appal an unsympathetic expert .
16 Husband and wife kept up their own conversation , turning to the elderly lady from time to time only to offer her another cup of tea or a cake .
17 One might rhetorically ask whether , if the United States or Britain assumes the role of international policeman from time to time , it is not an odd sense of police priorities to protect an oil sheikh from a military tyrant , but to ignore the plight of Sudanese children when military commanders forbid landing rights to aircraft bringing in food that could save their lives .
18 She has suffered poor health from time to time , but has fought back to establish a variety of activities in her retirement including stewarding at a National Trust property and giving practice interviews to pupils from Tiverton school .
19 An outspoken individualist , Sandy never left anyone in doubt about his views , and when as a newspaper editor I came under governmental pressure from time to time , Sandy was usually the first to phone his support with disdainful disregard of the fact that the telephones were tapped by the state security police .
20 What I needed ( and never received ) was a damned good old-fashioned thrashing from time to time .
21 A droll comment from time to time enlivens the dry information that fills most of the pages of a typical register .
22 I put it down to the necessity for him to exhibit his physical superiority from time to time , in order to maintain his ‘ throne ’ and his following of stooges .
23 Details of courses for returners organised by nursing agencies or commercial conference organisations appear in the national weekly nursing press from time to time and in local newspapers .
24 Oliver likes to pretend he knows what I do , and chucks out the odd word from time to time to sound authoritative .
25 I.e. you are met by one or two leading comrades of the commune and taken into a biggish reception room with tables , cigarettes and cups of tea ( these are big cups with lids , in which the tea is brewed — and girls in pigtails normally come round and replenish your cup with hot water from time to time ) .
26 Bring slowly to the boil and simmer for 5–6 hours topping up the saucepan with boiling water from time to time .
27 Although teachers can always raise matters individually in their own areas with their reps or directly with me , to get an overall view it is vitally important to have general discussion from time to time .
28 ‘ I 'd just make the odd suggestion from time to time , ’ says Freddie .
29 My mother insisted on my being one of his godfathers , a unique responsibility which has allowed me to offer him some tactful advice from time to time .
30 Ashton , too , has made vivid use of occupational gesture from time to time as , for example , when his ‘ Swiss Miss ’ milks her cow with the help of the three boys in Façade .
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