Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] for [pers pn] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Local and regional governments are , potentially , heavy spenders of public funds and complete freedom for them to institute and carry out their own expenditure programmes has come to be regarded in some quarters as subversive of a sufficiently refined power of control over public expenditure overall by central government .
2 Then Sally 's lovely nine puppies — I remember you waylaying an army captain to let Sally mate with his dog , and he ringing us up laughing and saying of course he could , and you three making a lovely bridal room for them in Pop 's study !
3 In England , also , complaints of the difficulty of finding capable diplomats can be heard until far into the eighteenth century ; and many agreed to serve only to put the government under a moral obligation to find some acceptable post for them at home on their return .
4 Of course he was thirteen years older than her , she being but twenty ; but then she would take into consideration that he was the footman and it was a splendid rise for her from kitchen maid .
5 The difference will be that there will be a well motivated , well managed person in place to take personal responsibility for them on behalf of the branch .
6 You might have thought I 'd happily become a little playmate for you to while away a few tedious hours with , but let me tell you , Mr Jacobsen , you were way off the mark . ’
7 Just a good experience for her for time , you know .
8 Is it , it tells you though what , what interests is erm I , I love the virtue of this period so , yeah , it 's a good excuse for me to sort of
9 In the field of equal opportunities , the notion of contract compliance has been borrowed from the USA by some councils : the idea behind this is that a condition of local authority purchase from its suppliers may be expressed in terms of key employment practices , including the recruitment of ethnic minorities and women , and reasonable access for them to promotion within the enterprise .
10 The important issue for me as chairman throughout that period was to remember that once the Prime Minister had said that Westland was a private-sector problem which must be solved by private-sector measures and techniques , one 's interests were obviously the shareholders , the employees , the customers and the banks , since the company was heavily indebted .
11 ‘ I do think that this is a very important issue for us in politics .
12 Alternatively if you are trying to use an accent because some members of the wedding party speak like that , get one of them to record a short passage for you on tape and play it over until you have perfected their accent .
13 1970 saw the start of a long and happy period for me in command of Venturous .
14 They might think to themselves , what is the most important thing for us to home in on first of all ?
15 Professor Hayek recognises that a free-enterprise economy requires the presence of strong moral standards of a particular kind for it to work : the two crucial ones being a belief in individual responsibility and a recognition that the merit and worth of individuals do not correspond to the material rewards of the market economy .
16 Then spread a little soil covering , shake it through the roots , put on more soil , firm , and when there is sufficient covering for you to firm without damaging the roots , tread with me heel , not the sole , of your foot .
17 artwork allowing yourself plenty of design space if necessary , and then finalise the board size afterwards before selecting a suitably-sized housing for it from supplier 's catalogues ( if indeed you are using a box at all ) .
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