Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [to-vb] through the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 At the time of his death Campbell was unsuccessfully seeking backers for a jet-driven car to go through the sound barrier .
2 With Tracey apparently intent on limiting his own involvement , she longed to talk things over with someone who might offer more active help ; at the same time , she felt an almost superstitious reluctance to go through the story again in the kind of detail a confidante would need .
3 At this stage the author uses the light box to see through the paper , and by turning over the paper it is possible to drawn in with pencil on the reverse , a rough copper track layout which will link up the components in accordance with the circuit diagram .
4 Together with differential rotation , this causes a large amount of mechanical energy and magnetic flux to pass through the surface .
5 With this in position he waits for the right moment to switch through the distance shot film of the city , coupled with the live action inlay of the characters .
6 Benny was about to ask why , but before she could , Ace had produced her blaster and was busily setting it for a narrow beam to cut through the door .
7 She shrugged , glancing away from the searching gaze to stare through the windscreen .
8 It strengthened his conviction that ‘ there exists in man 's nature an undying capacity to break through the barriers of error , and to seek the road to truth ’ ( Pacem in Terris 158 ) .
9 She just wanted some huge natural catastrophe to sweep through the bedroom and miraculously carry her two hundred thousand miles away .
10 Mr McFall described as false government claims that there is not enough parliamentary time to see through the amendment , which would bring Scotland into line with English law by forcing the knife carrier to prove there is no criminal intention .
11 Even if you are certain in your mind about the usefulness/uselessness of a particular book , it is good practice to skim through the book from beginning to end .
12 More immediately significant was the knowledge that barges , that is , wide boats , would not be allowed by the Grand Junction to pass through the Blisworth Tunnel above Stoke Bruerne .
13 All you need is a well-fed body to go through the motions of life .
14 Swetz found a problem in a Tanzanian textbook about canned peaches and ‘ is concerned about asking a poor man to struggle through the problems of the rich ’ .
15 The usual manner of groundbaiting and introducing hookbait samples to the fish is to throw a handful of feed onto the surface of the river to a spot where , in the angler 's judgment , the feed will sink in good time to trickle through the fishing area .
16 Analysis is a very slow process and it takes a long time to weed through the past and try to discover what things happened to you that affected you .
17 It took Baba Yaga a long time to struggle through the bushes , — but at last she did so and came after them as before , crying , " Hoo !
18 The provisions pushed the bank to a $10m loss and caused a profound shock to ripple through the Midland 's executive offices in Poultry .
19 yds ) of surface area to which the bacteria employed in the filter to break down the waste products can adhere — and the open construction allows a good supply of atmospheric oxygen to pass through the material .
20 When heat styling , use a vent brush which allows hot air to circulate through the brush , spreading the heat evenly .
21 However it is a very difficult and time-consuming operation to read through the evaluations and to compare them to the original project document .
22 This allows a smallish ferret to pass through the mesh .
23 The agents complained fiercely at having to stand twelve hours on Whitehall 's pavements in pouring November rain , clutching maps and papers , waiting to be called ; but there was no other way to get through the work .
24 ‘ I would plead with them to speak to the police as a matter of urgency because I would not like this to happen to anyone else or for any other family to go through the distress we are experiencing .
25 Lenin and then Stalin turned Marx on his head by trying to use their political power to force through the creation of a modern industrial society as quickly as possible .
26 I await the first sighting of this crucial volume with the awed anticipation of a Crusader waiting for the Holy Grail to arrive through the post .
27 It takes intelligent illumination to peer through the fog generated by so much detail .
28 Some leaders spoke out against the new trend ; in a paper on preaching delivered at a Free Church Council meeting the quixotic Joseph Parker defended congregational applause during a sermon because it encouraged the preacher and allowed the Holy Spirit to work through the listeners .
29 From her he seemed to draw sufficient strength to get through the days until the simple funeral was over .
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