Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [pers pn] [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 John Stork — when in his mid-30s — became aware of headhunting when he found himself on the receiving end of a headhunter 's call for the first time ; in due course he became the successful candidate , but did not take the job , staying on as a member of the international Board of Masius Wynne-Williams advertising agency , where he had earlier been head of research .
2 In any case , he made feeble efforts to help me get him to his left foot , and with my almost total support he made the few hops to reach the boat , though I could see it hurt him sorely .
3 Despite Allied opposition he reconstituted the expanded Polish territory under his control as an independent kingdom linked to Russia through the person of the monarch .
4 Whereas in many cases this is only one dimension , albeit an important one , in the case of what we might call theoretical ideology it constitutes the main organizing principle .
5 By consistently applying quantum mechanics to Maxwell 's theory of the electromagnetic field he constructed the first known specimen of a quantum field theory .
6 In the authorised biography she describes the Australian lawyer as ‘ tall and distinguished looking ’ .
7 Through the carved window he saw the wet branches of the evergreens , darker on the dark .
8 Nearer home , our ‘ Arabic ’ numerals are examples of symbols of the kind Wilkins wanted : ‘ 2 ’ may be read as ‘ two ’ or ‘ zwei ’ , but to the English or German speaker it means the same .
9 I can tell you that the further down the social scale we went the brighter and sweeter and richer the orange squash , and the more I loved it .
10 When Thornton started at the Daily Mirror he found the usual chronic Fleet Street over-staffing , and began to swing the axe to enable the paper to stand on its own two feet and ward off the inevitable predators , such as Rupert Murdoch and Robert Maxwell .
11 Only when the water is very high will it run the other way .
12 Morrice continued that tradition : in the Entring Book he deplored the opposing zealots , the ‘ hierarchists ’ and ‘ fanatics ’ , whilst applauding the ‘ sober churchmen ’ and ‘ old Puritans ’ .
13 With her free hand she took the golden decoration from him , examining it with care .
14 In the fourteenth century mystical awakening we see the first signs of a deeper and more committed type of religion , which would finally culminate in both Protestant and Catholic reformations .
15 All of this would have been enjoyable — or at least bearable — without miserable old mother me having the meanest migraine in living memory .
16 The vapour at this boiling temperature is represented by point D. If we plot all such points for compositions over the complete range we obtain the upper curve in figure 6.15 .
17 With a skilful lurch he gave the bent hydrant on the sidewalk a crunchy shouldercheck and we were off , weaving at speed back up the street .
18 In this and the following chapter we discuss the two main types of organization that seek to influence or control national policy : political parties and organized groups ( frequently referred to as pressure or interest groups ) .
19 Lord of the Flies is a novel about English schoolboys marooned on a desert island — a Defoe-like subject , though unlike Crusoe it uses the third person — but reversing Defoe , it tells of their rapid descent into savagery , totem-worship and the childish joys of torture and terror .
20 With a tiny shudder he passed the hard knot of tension from him then looked up again , a faint smile at the corners of his mouth .
21 In my personal opinion I prefer the original ending because it keeps up the style and tone of the rest of the novel and also keeps the characters the same .
22 The following day I asked the young women of an all-girls ' school I was visiting if they had seen her , and what they thought .
23 The following morning I put the loose pieces in my bag and took them to school .
24 The following morning he brought the two black bulls out of the stable and went to start the ploughing .
25 Eventually , as the winter darkness descended , the fighting ceased , both sides boasting of a victory , though as Argyll re-occupied Sheriffmuir the following morning he had the better claim to have won .
26 Her mother thought it was better for her not to be at home as there was not much space , so the following week they saw the social worker and it was arranged that she go to a house run by the Catholic anti-abortion organisation LIFE .
27 The following week we took the Ritzy .
28 The following month he reached the third round of the glitzy Paris tournament and he had cracked it .
29 Between August and October , she had a 23 match unbeaten run , and the following month she won the prestigious Virginia Slims Championships in New York .
30 So also , analogous to the bilinear form we have the functional bilinear in the function x(t) .
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