Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [prep] the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Labour government was bound to take action : indeed there was a coordinated response through the Council of Europe .
2 It will further be argued that initial teacher training can not be treated as separate from other areas of teacher education and that changes in any one sector will inevitably influence all teacher education provision , initial , probation support and in-service and that in the light of this interdependence , strategies should be established for a coordinated response across the spectrum of teacher education provision .
3 Rather it points to the fact that there has been a subtle change in the composition of the teaching force .
4 At the end of the day it 's a political decision from the council of ministers , but it seems to be going there with a firm endorsement of support from the commission . ’
5 The project therefore attempts to devise a more general descriptive framework for the intonation of the languages investigated and to establish a general theory of intonation structure which takes account of the different role of intonation in languages of different types .
6 The British Ceramic Research Association , for instance , have a routine impact test for ceramic tiles in which a loosely supported square tile is struck a measured blow in the centre of one flat face .
7 Landsbergis on May 2 expressed support for the idea of Franco-German mediation , and said that some of the laws passed since the March 11 independence declaration could be frozen , but that the declaration itself was sacrosanct .
8 you got yo would have to take and hour or take two hours , or take three hours and if you take up to three hours or if you got three separate hours that was detention and if we were in our in the junior part of the school in the first three forms erm , you then had to go into school on Saturday morning .
9 Many patients with substantial deformities remain asymptomatic , but they are at increased risk of neurological damage with the passage of time .
10 Simon 's shift of approach away from Chadwick 's grand sanitary plan was not only an administrative necessity in the face of political opposition , it was also an acknowledgment of this difficulty .
11 The United States saw this war as an opportunity to change things in the Middle East , and celebrated the Lebanese-Israeli Withdrawal Agreement by lifting its year-old ban on the sale of seventy-five F-16 jet fighters to Israel .
12 But it achieves this solid reliability at the expense of productivity .
13 At the root of these distinctions is an attempted differentiation between the production of one kind of object and another .
14 An act designed to register Korean antagonism to the consolidation of Japanese dominance in Korea undertaken by Ito ironically led to the imposition of full Japanese rule in 1910 .
15 Finally , Mr. Beloff placed strong reliance on the decision of Sir Nicolas Browne-Wilkinson V.-C. in E.M.I . Records Ltd. v Spillane [ 1986 ] 1 W.L.R. 967 , which concerned the position of a solicitor , who held a document disclosed on discovery by the opposite party in litigation subject to the usual implied undertaking , when confronted by a notice from the Customs and Excise to produce the document to them pursuant to their wide powers under the VAT legislation .
16 It is remarkable that the Working Party could be so cavalier in ignoring its own evidence ; it is perhaps even more surprising that no crash research programme was advocated in order to provide a solid base for the allocation of such a vast sum of money .
17 The new guidelines are bound to cause controversy because they effectively transfer the cost of agricultural support from the Ministry of Agriculture , Fisheries and Food to the NCC and the national parks ' authorities , whose budgets are already stretched to breaking point .
18 At last she was through , with a narrow foothold on the side of the boat .
19 This led in due course to the enactment of a new code which was substituted for the relevant sections of the Act of 1972 by the Transport Act 1981 and is now found , without material alteration , in the Road Traffic Act 1988 .
20 The table of procedure presupposes that after an order is made , that will be followed by a request for execution in due course by the person in whose favour the order has been made , followed by the execution by the court bailiff .
21 The general climate of the times was all too apparent as riots broke out in Spa Fields in London in late 1816 , followed in due course by the March of the Blanketeers , the Pentrich Rebellion in Derbyshire , the Peterloo Massacre and that desperate attempt to kill the entire cabinet known as the Cato Street Conspiracy .
22 He rode off towards Dunbar and set sail for his dukedom of Orkney and then for Norway , where he was arrested and confined in due course in the castle of Dragsholm in Denmark .
23 Just as I realised that we would have to abort our manoeuvre in view of the ship 's overhanging davits there was a loud exclamation from the man on deck , " I say , Cynthia , the captain 's got a blasted parrot on his shoulder . "
24 For Marxists , by contrast , the welfare of the masses is not only economically determined but a quantifiable function of the degree of their immiseration .
25 We have shown that the combination of adenoidectomy with insertion of tubes provides immediate restoration of subjective hearing ability because of the tube ; longer term sustained resolution because of adenoidectomy ; and also a possible reduction in the need for subsequent insertions of new tubes .
26 The excess risk levels off in the following years and is undoubtedly the result of selection of patients with an unrecognised malignancy at the time of commencement of peptic ulcer treatment .
27 The camp at Kedos was some 300 miles away , but it was a pleasant change from the squalor of the previous month .
28 A pleasant change from the heat of Mespot , but with a deal of other diversions that I found easy enough to take .
29 He dealt a nearby Tree a rather contemptuous blow with the flat of his hand and Floy saw the Tree trunk quiver under the impact .
30 A striking instance of the effect of trade is to be seen in West Africa , where cowries played a key role in cultural life , even though absent from local seas .
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