Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [prep] [subord] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It says much for the sang-froid of the practised musician that , despite the intrusion of a bomb hoax , both Dame Joan and the orchestra resumed the published programme as if no interruption had occurred .
2 Thus , while all the usual contractual rules about offer and acceptance , consideration , intention to create legal relations , illegality , mistake , misrepresentation , repudiation , breach , discharge and so forth are relevant to understanding the contractual context of the reference to the expert , those rules may also have a direct bearing on whether a decision of an expert can be enforced .
3 The main concern with cash is to ensure that the method and arrangements for payment are clearly stated in the sale agreement and that the purchaser has adequate notice of whether a banker 's draft or telegraphic transfer is required .
4 while the directors have given careful consideration to whether the company will continue to be a going concern , the directors ' statements can not be a guarantee that that will happen .
5 ( 6 ) Where an award has been given in the absence of a party , the arbitrator shall have power on that party 's application to set the award aside and to order a fresh hearing as if the award were a judgment and the application were made pursuant to Ord 37 , r 2. ( 7 ) With the consent of the parties and at any time before giving his decision and either before or after the hearing , the arbitrator may consult any expert or call for an expert report on any matter in dispute or invite an expert to attend the hearing as assessor .
6 But it was confined to the specific issue of whether a duty of care existed — to establish liability , a plaintiff must also prove breach of duty , and loss caused by that breach .
7 Autonomy however should not imply total independence for although the manager may divest his authority to the surveyor to run the job on site , he is still ultimately responsible and must show support at all stages .
8 The King was found to be the sole judge of whether an emergency existed ( see The Case of Shipmoney ( R v Hampden ) ( 1637 ) 3 St Tr 825 ) .
9 The issues about which respondents expressed concern included the use made of the results by , variously , the police authorities and the IRA , and the associated question of whether the field-worker was a spy for the authorities or the Republican paramilitaries ( on researchers as spies see Hunt 1984 : 288–9 ; Manning 1972 : 248 ) ; the obtrusiveness of the ethnographer 's ubiquitous notepad ; sensitivity to how the research might compromise their personal security or lead to a transfer , and worthies over the field-worker 's religion ; and the whole focus and topic of the investigation .
10 We are given no real indication of whether the title was warranted or not , official or not , recognised or not .
11 1973 ) which emphasized the damaging effects of ‘ drift ’ in care , they came to constitute a formidable ‘ Permanence Movement ’ , campaigning for early decision-making over whether a child entering care was to return to parents or be placed in permanent substitute care .
12 There is the separate question of whether the opportunity to acquire Target or its business derives from management 's status as directors and employees .
13 The real test of whether the message to run yell and tell when they see a stranger will be when the children leave the theatre .
14 Rigid demarcation lines can leave users with no choice at all about who they wish to be treated by , and getting along with and trusting the professionals who are responsible for providing help is a crucial factor in whether a service user will stay in touch with the services and persevere with treatment .
15 At the Centre Mondial , it looks to the outside observer as if the problem is reversed .
16 While the increasing concentration and internationalisation of capital is not in question , there is , however , serious debate over whether the state is always dominated by the ruling class and whether it is always repressive .
17 This resolves any remaining doubt about whether the court has power to award interest on an interlocutory judgment whether on default or acknowledgement of service , notice of intention to defend or pleading or on an admission of liability .
18 But me only objective test of whether an organism has tree will is whether its behavior can be predicted .
19 Marco was stepping over the spasming limb as if the robot was n't there .
20 Fisher 's study also suggested that recall was not a good measure of whether a road sign had been heeded .
21 It is not obvious whether there are any other independent aspects of the syntactic structure which may influence the question whether a minor property qualifies another property or " passes through " it to reach a referential locus ; we may provisionally assume that the nature of the individual lexical items provides the primary constraint on whether a property qualifying another property finds the latter to be permeable or not .
22 For example , if there was some slight uncertainty about whether an input segment was as legion or as in lesion the ambiguity at the lexical level would not be enough to resolve the ambiguity at the phoneme level .
23 In terms of the disposition of the executive 's programmes , however , the Congress retains great influence over whether a president gets the legislation he is after and in what form it will become law .
24 While Jensen contends that ‘ [ a ] lthough the evidence is not literally 100 percent in support of the efficient market hypothesis , no proposition in any of the sciences is better documented ’ , there is in fact substantial disagreement about whether the market is efficient in the most relevant sense , that is , in reflecting companies ' underlying value .
25 The Secretary of State was awarded half his costs , reflecting his defeat on the legal point of whether the court had jurisdiction to consider the case .
26 With the Government 's overall majority now down to just 18 , the presence of Ulster Unionists and other minority parties became a key factor in whether the Bill could be wrecked .
27 You may wish to seek legal advice on whether a contract could be drawn up .
28 ‘ There was great concern over whether the BA board could be found guilty of trading while knowingly insolvent if it carried on .
29 Our findings suggest that this inclusion is the primary determinant of whether a landmark will be used to predict where something else is located .
30 In our debate on that , the hon. Member for Wealden ( Sir G. Johnson Smith ) challenged me for daring to challenge the Prime Minister about whether the system would work .
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