Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [verb] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 To the Gaijin rear Jotan 's five hundred were a solid mass cutting off the line of retreat .
2 " It was a political decision made by the government and not by the Federation , " Bland said .
3 Functionally the political decision shown in the drawing may seem very similar to the refusal to make a decision .
4 He defied suspension under a gagging contract imposed by the counties on their cricketers — but which , I feel , the players should have refused to sign .
5 The embroidery , a pattern of golden lily-flowers dotted here and there , each one at a fair distance from the other , would be confined to the shoulder band and to a broad sash fastening at the back in as large a bow as Miss Dallam would tolerate , its ends falling to the hem of her skirt .
6 An interpretation of a child 's language will be derived from some comparison between the child 's actual language and a descriptive framework incorporated within the assessment procedure .
7 Notice the narrow snout extending beyond the mouth which helps it to seek out small rodents , reptiles and invertebrates .
8 Within the coterminous Borough and Parliamentary Constituency of Blyth Valley , the old Labour hegemony based on the coal field has been seriously threatened by the emergence of an Alliance challenge .
9 But Aoun seems sure that , if he just hangs on regardless , some other miracle will in due course come to the rescue .
10 The fragmented appearance of their work , especially its Lettrist phase , their repudiation of conventional skills and scholarly manners ( evidenced in their use of personal insults ) have been absorbed by subcultural milieux and in due course adapted by the culture industries .
11 The species studied does not have to be chiral : the differential absorption comes from the effect of the magnetic field on degeneracy .
12 Now he found himself playing Kaa , the deaf snake known for the power of his hug .
13 The Chinese government in May 1990 rescinded the martial law order in Lhasa ( imposed in March 1989 following outbreaks of secessionist unrest ) , although a heavy armed presence remained in the city [ see p. 37454 ] .
14 In the centre of the town , where the Prussian royal palace used to stand , looms a huge and still unfinished building known as the House of the Soviets .
15 She ran through the last few streets and saw with relief the familiar tall building rising against the night sky .
16 A FORMER spokesman for the EC Commission today blamed the British Government for the lack of European funding coming to the province .
17 One sees here a complementary tendency to the influence of free sculpture on relief apparent in the evolution of high relief : a free-standing statue influenced by the conventions of narrative art .
18 How far these findings apply to short-term contract working in the manufacturing sector is the subject of the following section .
19 Daphne studied the menu a new one , a friendly dinosaur snaked down the side holding the printed menu between its paws .
20 Difficulties of a more acute kind began with the arrival of Charles Lloyd on 22 February .
21 This one was recorded from the rabbit by W. R. Levick , reference 6 ; it had the receptive field plotted in the centre , and responded to bars at different orientations as shown by the responses round the outside of the figure .
22 All of Callinicos ' philosophical sophistication and matchless political experience evaporate in the face of the art of his own lifetime .
23 In addition to an expansion of existing services in the financial sector , many more services are now available ( e.g. professional drain clearing through the franchise operation ‘ Dynorod ’ ) .
24 Mediated enforcement through intermediatory , quasi-governmental bodies such as the BBC and the Bank of England and quasi-non-governmental such as the Press Council bring advantages of administrative economy and reduced political responsibility attaching to the government : ‘ It is the essence of these organizations , therefore , that their relationships to state authority remains ill-defined ’ ( Winkler , 1977 , p. 54 ) .
25 In order to excavate the site itself , a new road had been built and a viaduct constructed to carry it across the valley before it climbed through the wooded hillside to the rocky crag chosen for the location of the church which formed the heart of the project .
26 That is why some Americans have been bothered by suggestions from Paris , Bonn and Brussels that ( in the words of Jacques Delors , speaking in London on March 7th ) the Western European Union ( WEU ) should be ‘ the melting pot for a European defence embedded in the Community , the second pillar of the Atlantic alliance ’ .
27 A gang of workmen put a fence up across the private lane leading to the house in Beaconsfield .
28 The working majority achieved by the Conservatives removed that worry .
29 Beneath him the woman 's face was pale and passive , her arms bent above her head , her rich hair spilling over the pillow .
30 For the training of teachers in art , further education colleges have traditionally offered the one-year full-time course leading to the Post-Graduate Certificate in Education ( Art Education ) , formerly the Art Teacher 's Diploma ( ATD ) or Certificate ( ATC ) .
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