Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [verb] [adv] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Even a computer-literate user brought up on a different type of mainframe may find the nested screens in CMS and the XEDIT editor offputting at first .
2 The normal scientist works confidently within a well-defined area dictated by a paradigm .
3 The engine of The Abbott sounded deafening in the silence , the loud spluttering replaced rapidly by a rumble as the boat moved away from the pier .
4 It informs Flashman of the dire consequences of the club 's financial predicament , recommending that the controversial chairman sells out to a consortium as quickly as possible .
5 RIGHT Mandarin comes back to a hero 's welcome .
6 He wanted his personal belief and his professional expertness to come out as a single attribute .
7 Russell turned to Dexter with a look of surprise and irritation , as if he were a complete stranger butting in on a private conversation — which indeed was just how the sergeant felt .
8 ‘ And the villagers let a complete stranger drive off with a machine that could play music from the future … ’
9 A lined mouth stretched back in a screech .
10 At 8 o'clock on Friday , June 15th , over 30 teenagers met in the church Family Centre for a strange ritual known only to a few as MIDNIGHTICESKATING .
11 The Duke was revelling in the occasion , his toothless mouth curved up in a great leer like the mask of comedy .
12 The stuttering start , a last lap breakdown in Canada and the fiasco of Portugal , where his rear right wheel fell off after a pit stop , undermined his campaign .
13 She wore an oatmeal flannel coat and skirt which even Alexandra could see was badly cut , and a heavily pleated cream blouse , the collar fastened with a huge hideous brooch made out of a green polished pebble set in silver .
14 He was young and very beautiful ; brown hair springing back from a broad forehead , blue eyes dark as pansies , a smooth , curling , sulky mouth .
15 Then in the 1960s British Rail came up with a novel idea for a faster train .
16 British Rail comes in for a fair bit of stick from travellers who would heartily support the loud speaker announcement heard by Philip White .
17 It was like the scene where Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid start to rob yet another ‘ easy ’ train only to find an armed and mounted posse leaping out of a carriage .
18 One suspects its high rating owes less to a fondness for social-democratic parties with close trade-union links than to a loose wish for economic efficiency plus social justice .
19 At the Apollo 17 site an experiment was carried out by the astronauts which gave the seismic wave speeds down to a few kilometres depth in the vicinity of the site .
20 A dim light came on behind a blind in the Frankenstein mansion .
21 The Confederation of British Industry stepped forward with a plan that practically doubled the sum to be spent by the government : £21 billion to rewrite the nation 's economic geography and save it from catastrophe .
22 But Shakespeare 's manipulation ultimately disrupts Harsnett 's design : ‘ In Shakespeare , the realization that demonic possession is a theatrical imposture leads not to a clarification — the clear-eyed satisfaction of a man who refuses to be gulled — but to a deeper uncertainty , a loss of moorings , in the face of evil . ’
23 It was expected to cost around £800 million when launched , of which foreign aid made up about a half .
24 His face was open and honest and smiled readily , the generous mouth turning upwards into a handlebar moustache .
25 On the fringe of the political scene , the Daily Mail campaigned vigorously for a coalition under a new leader and various important figures in the City of London let it be known that a Socialist Government would be a financial disaster .
26 Jonathon is a trained musician filling in as a cleaner between jobs and he fell on his feet at the Oxford Playhouse .
27 Course , they had n't had lorries in them days , they drive them on the road and you see old shepherd coming along with a couple of dogs and goodness knows how many sheep !
28 He led her into a large room where a floor-to-ceiling window gave out on a garden dominated by a fountain and a single curving oak , its tracery of branches lavish against the steel grey sky .
29 A narrow stairway of glossy marble led straight into a sitting room arranged around a huge open fireplace .
30 Yale University 's $1.5 billion capital campaign got off to a spectacular start when philanthropist Paul Mellon donated gifts valued at more than $50 million .
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