Example sentences of "[art] [num ord] few [noun pl] to the " in BNC.

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1 Finally , proceed in the last few minutes to the last two of the seven stages — IL and E.
2 Bernice shivered inside her coat as she ran the last few feet to the stones .
3 We 'll then drive the last few metres to the Colombi .
4 Thomas Telford ran the last few yards to the pump site .
5 He rushed along London Street and Bridge Road so fast that he puffed and staggered the last few yards to the cottage where he lived with his parents and two younger brothers .
6 She ran along the side of the house , round the back of a stone-stilted granary and down behind the dovecot , and then darted across the last few yards to the wall .
7 Mounting steps was what Gus found most bewildering at this stage ; his feet made manful efforts , but tended to trail , and he was half-carried the last few yards to the door .
8 Practically sprinting the last few yards to the cottage , he pushed inside and dumped her belongings on the kitchen table before dashing out again and after the Land Rover as it groaned and grunted its way up the track to the colonel 's house , presumably driven by the garage mechanic .
9 Thus it is that the Tamar , beautiful as the nymph whose name she bears , winds her way from the rugged north coast between the hills , to be joined by the Tavy , flowing from Dartmoor to join her for the last few miles to the sea , while the luckless Torridge flows ever northward in vain pursuit of Tamara 's beauty .
10 He crashed against the wall then fell , rolled the last few stairs to the hallway .
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