Example sentences of "[art] [noun prp] and [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Here it crosses the Trent and into the Erewash Canal and on to Langley Mill .
2 The sun had quite a lot of warmth in it and he set off , behind the back of the Manor and along the bank of the river , to the field where he was to work .
3 For much of the period and up to the First World War , the targets of the largest movements of national liberation were the two great empires of Eastern and Central Europe — that of the Romanovs in the Russias and of the Habsburgs in Austro-Hungary .
4 One of the reasons why there has been nothing outstanding about the rate of growth of trade within the EEC and between the EEC and third countries may have been because its members have not been as assiduous as might have been expected ( by the British at least ) in removing barriers to trade between themselves and with the rest of the world .
5 The other lesson that has come out of the work within the RAF and from the work done outside is that expert systems in particular , but AI in general will not come about as stand-alone , independent systems , but will be embedded or connected to existing or planned conventional computing .
6 In this book , Leonie Archer looks at the effects of this in the Judaism of antiquity , where blood has a major significance in ritual both in the sacrifices in the Temple and in the shedding of blood in circumcision — the ‘ Covenant ’ between God and his people .
7 As a tourist region , Béarn is made up of two of the classic Pyrenean valleys , of the Aspe and of the Ossau , plus , to the north , the city of Pau .
8 They claimed the Goths who had settled along the Vistula and in the Ukraine as the founders of the Polish state , saying that rule and order had been brought to these lands over the heads of the drunken , idolatrous and stupid Polish peasantry .
9 Their running was impeded by the mass of men coming out of the main doors and scattering in all directions , and heads down , they made their way between them to the back of the Naafi and into the rest room , which was empty ; and they were just in the process of taking off their wet top coats when the supervisor came in , saying , ‘ Oh , I 'm in luck ; I was about to send to the hut for help .
10 ‘ To be fair , Kitty told us you were listed as killed on the Marne and by the time anyone found out the truth it was too late . ’
11 Because of their proximity , there was a certain amount of crossing between the two Devon breeds and also occasionally between them and the Hereford and with the Guernsey , which has an ancient link with the South Devon .
12 On that assumption , Theunis Krankoor 's arrival in Cape Town can be placed within a period of about fifteen years , after the implementation of the full Napoleonic legal code in the Netherlands and before the birth of his first child , James , who , according to his wedding and death registrations , was born in the Cape Colony about 1823 or 1824 .
13 Guest vocal stars were often from the States and of the sex-calibre of Frank Sinatra .
14 The nationalist camp in Likud argues that such contrivances will lead eventually to dialogue with the PLO and to the establishment of a Palestinian state .
15 Katherine 's remains were coming on the Saturday and on the Friday I slipped up to the cemetery and saw the grave diggers digging Mary 's grave .
16 Certainly the Rhaetian I have seen in southern Europe , for example on the south side of the Pyrenees and along the shores of Lake Iseo in northern Italy , is incredibly like that of Britain , even in the way the fossils are preserved .
17 The second required the establishment of boards of governors for polytechnics and other LEA-maintained colleges , and the specification of the governors ' functions vis-a-vis those of the LEAs and of the colleges ' principals .
18 Doi ruthlessly exploited the difficulties which the 1989 Recruit scandal caused for the LDP and as the personification of the nascent Japanese women 's movement she was successful in attracting female voters who had become disillusioned with the political process and estranged from the ruling party .
19 The offensive which began in summer 1942 on the southern wing of the eastern front and carried German troops over the Crimea and into the Caucasus , and the successes of the Afrikakorps and U-Boats in the Atlantic offered new opportunities to admire the exploits of the Wehrmacht .
20 The purchase contract must be available for inspection at the company 's registered office for 15 days prior to the EGM and at the EGM ( s164(6) ) .
21 Needless to say , the issue was the subject of regular battles across the floor of the Guildhall and in the Stormont House of Commons .
22 Partnership , self-validation , academic independence , delegation , greater responsibility , sharing of responsibility , academic freedoms … this is some of the pervasive vocabulary within the CNAA and between the CNAA and its institutions in the 1970s .
23 Whatever the problems for the CNAA and for the institutions , and however irritating it was for DES officers or some college principals , the CNAA was working methodically to ensure that complex questions of comparability of standards were resolved to the satisfaction of the various parts of the validating machinery .
24 In France there had already been speculation , followed by disaster , when John Law persuaded the government to unite all the French colonies into a single vast Company for trading up the Mississippi and in the Indies , which was then used as the base for a wild expansion of the French currency .
25 Expressed in the Dreikaiserbund and in the hands of a Bismarck , the self-interest of monarchs could be of European significance as a force for peace .
26 Instead , it was described solely as " the basis for elaborating a new constitution for the RSFSR and for the conclusion of a new Union treaty " [ see also below ] .
27 We are concerned about nurse education , which is why we believe that it will be crippling for the NHS and for the nation 's health if , in years to come , we have poorly trained nurses who leave the profession because they are denied the opportunity of advancement and the capacity adequately to treat patients .
28 In view of the recent emphasis on community care as against hospital treatment , a priority area for research in the Centre was the analysis of the effects of financial systems at various interfaces both within the NHS and between the NHS and other services .
29 He spent hours that Christmas in the garage with my son and the BMW and at the end of his stay , he gave him his leather jacket .
30 Nevertheless , he had much support , especially north of the Thames and among the troops in London , and suggestions that he was not Cnut 's son are likely to be false .
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