Example sentences of "[art] [det] time [conj] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 and they did n't know which one to watch there was two on at the same time so they picked one and she said if we had a video she said we could be taping the other one and he said how can you do that ?
2 It is doubtful whether , given his premises and the situation in which he found himself , he could have done more than convey the expression of widespread discontent and indicate at the same time that something had changed in the Roman governing class .
3 Yes , and I do hope that at the same time that we 've been talking about how relatively practical religion has become , that we shall remember the mystery which it witnesses to .
4 The distinction is not clear : at the same time that we recognize it , we can not define it .
5 At about the same time that they unveiled portable CD-I , Sony also launched a text-only counterpart known as the Data Discman .
6 From this awareness of individuation or , to use the Scotist term , haecceitas , came Hopkins 's overriding concern with ‘ inscape ’ in every aspect of the created world : the obsession with the ‘ selfhood ’ of every object or being , at the same time that he perceived behind it the generically divine .
7 Gandalf remarks at the same time that he sent Gwaihir the eagle to watch the River ; presumably he was the eagle Aragorn saw , but thought nothing of , as he stared out from Amon Hen on the first page of The Two Towers .
8 The candidate must also give his consent to nomination and at the same time that he gives his consent in writing he must state his qualifications to be a candidate .
9 Cnut had a church built at the site of the battle , and it was consecrated in 1020 , at about the same time that he allowed the replacement of clerics by monks in St Edmund 's church at Bury .
10 At the same time that there has been a shift in the size and importance of manufacturing within the economy as a whole , there has also been a transformation in the geography of manufacturing within the country .
11 At the same time that she reveals the secret about her husband , we hear about her activities in Laurel .
12 To it we owe that nervous , spidery line of the drawings — so quick , so attentive , yet so despairing — that alerts us to the elusiveness of the subject at the same time that it perseveres in the attempt to render it .
13 At about the same time that I went up into the Boys ' School , my friend Hubert Gould moved away to Bournemouth and my other friend Alf Norris moved from The Friary to Greencroft Street and , as this was only two hundred yards from our house , we saw quite a lot of each other .
14 All the lads leave at the exactly the same time that I leave .
15 When st when staff ca n't all receive that information at the same time but they y'know they can read but they need the information but that ca n't all receive it simultaneously they as many staff many staff , one more and the last one is one you like computer stuff like that where you 've got a lot of detailed information you know that you want detailed information
16 Emmie felt sorry for him and angry at the same time because he made things so difficult .
17 It is the way that our feelings tell us that they have got too much to cope with at the same time and they need some help — in the jargon this is called needing some ‘ ventilation ’ .
18 I turned , grabbed my dressing gown and made for the door ; with one mighty ninja kick , the side of my right foot connected with all three switches of the fan heater at the same time and it hummed into life .
19 And besides , there were two things bothering him at the same time and he had assumed that the second problem nagging at him had been Cipolla .
20 An inspector who came to Durham at the same time as myself to read Law and the Sociology of Law , found the latter course required a move to concepts outside normal police experience .
21 Nations have to do this at the same time as they keep up economic growth , or accept a drop in standards of living .
22 Signed Danish is not Danish , when you can not hear/distinguish the words — but another type of sign language , which has the primary advantage that hearing people can use it at the same time as they use spoken language , and the secondary advantage is that some — and only some — rules applying to the spoken language are conveyed to the deaf child .
23 Outlets for the lottery — which could include post offices as well as small shops and newsagents — will sell scratch-off cards for the minor games at the same time as they take the money for the lottery .
24 But because of their concern they made a direction at the same time as they made the care order .
25 At the same time as they made it more terrible .
26 Even today , psychological discourses inevitably deal with sexuality , and the emotions and irrationality connected with it , at the same time as they try to ignore it .
27 [ what is ] apparent during this period is the bewilderment and confusion of many sections of the liberal intelligentsia in grappling with the immigration issue at the same time as they had difficulties in understanding the new elements of youth culture brought on by the emergence of what was in popular parlance being termed an ‘ affluent society ’ .
28 ‘ I resigned at the same time as they asked for my resignation .
29 Indeed , at the same time as they debated the general strike , leaders of the Second International became increasingly interested in the implications of modern capitalist developments for the elimination of war .
30 Changes within capitalism generate new forms of spatial organization at the same time as they create new forms of social organization .
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