Example sentences of "[art] [det] [noun sg] [subord] [art] first " in BNC.

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1 This behaved in the same way as the first unit , so I took this one back and got a third …
2 In their original context both stories had a different significance , but it was as impossible for fourteenth century Christians to experience the Christian revelation in the same way as the first Christians as it is for us today .
3 The cables are worked in the same way as the first sample but after the initial six rows , the four stitches at the left are crossed , with two-over-two stitches to the right , then after another five rows , the four stitches at the right are crossed with two-over-two stitches to the left .
4 Fold the second strip of paper in exactly the same way as the first , but instead of pencilling down the folds , cut down only the folds shown with a black line in the diagram below .
5 Other pixies can be made in the same way as the first , if liked — or perhaps you might like to add some yellow-eyed green caterpillars to sit on top of the toadstool .
6 The infradental papillae are block-like usually contiguous lying above the broad rectangular teeth , but in smaller specimens these papillae may lie on the same level as the first tooth and be separated by it .
7 The trouble was that the pile of things they had put aside to back in the cupboards again was almost exactly the same size as the first pile .
8 Her opening words , which echo a pair of lines in Chaucer 's first fabliau in the sequence of the Canterbury Tales , the Miller 's Tale ( I : 3768 – 9 ) , invite a dialogue charged with sexual connotations , not only in the obvious case of " " ryse " " , but also in the detectable reference to a conventional love-sickness : The monk 's answer immediately confirms the sexual topic of the dialogue , and dispenses with any euphemistic disguises : This rapid movement to a contextually surprising level of familiarity on the topic of sexual intimacy is paralleled in the French fabliau Auburee , where the old bawd , Auburee , in procuring a young wife for a besotted admirer , visits the wife and moves smartly into the bedroom , declaring : ( " I should certainly like to see your bed : then I should know for certain if you lie in the same splendour as the first wife did . " )
9 " Two policemen — Irish policemen too — dead and killed on the same day as the first sitting of the new Irish parliamentarians .
10 BOSNIAN Serbs were reported to be poised to overrun the besieged Muslim enclaves of Srebrenica and Zepa yesterday , the same day as the first full peace talks took place .
11 He would always remember handing over the final payment , because it was on the same day as the first big aeroplane raid over London and he spent most of that night hiding under his father 's bed , with both Sal and Kitty clinging on to him for dear life .
12 If such a procedure were made law , vets could well afford to offer the service at a minimal cost , if not free , at the same time as the first vaccination .
13 With much wider powers than its predecessor , the Secondary Examinations Council ( SEC ) , SEAC is also heir to the recommendations of another of the Secretary of State 's ad hoc working parties , the Task Group on Assessment and Testing ( TGAT ) which was set up at the same time as the first curriculum working groups and , like them , worked under enormous pressure to produce proposals for the assessment of the National Curriculum .
14 Finally , the Scottish Office has recently agreed that Highlands and Islands Enterprise can fund Skillstart 1 and Skillstart 2 — the preliminary awards introduced at the same time as the first general SVQs — to two points for Output Related Funding purposes .
15 All of these began work in the same week as the first Kindertransporte were given the go-ahead .
16 Now consider the other half of the T-type m-derived section shown in figure 9.11(b) , which is of course just the same network as the first half already considered and shown in figure 9.11(a) but with the input and output terminals interchanged .
17 A second charge over the side brought no more response than the first , and a rising moon showed up the wild seascape .
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