Example sentences of "[art] [adv] [pron] [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As a result the word ‘ share ’ has become something of a misnomer , for shareholders no longer share any property in common ; at the most they share certain rights in respect of dividends , return of capital on a winding up , voting , and the like .
2 The reasons for this are complex , but basically the more efficient one is as a reader , the less one reads individual words as separate bits , or pays attention to their structure .
3 None the less it makes two features of long-term insurance policies very clear .
4 ‘ Give it back you thief , ’ he bawls after me , but I spurt ahead , knocking over a coupla kids who start bawling and bellyaching as well , but I do n't stop to investigate , because after all , I 'm doing them a favour , the sooner they learn that life is full of hard knocks the better .
5 Does he agree that the sooner we put new measures on the statute book , the sooner we can instil into these young criminals the knowledge that such selfish and irresponsible behaviour will not be tolerated ?
6 The sooner we get this scum banged away the better . ’
7 As I have said before , when writing about human behaviour , we are no more than swollen-headed animals and the sooner we accept this fact the safer we will be .
8 In this case , the sooner I remove young Svend from Suzie the siren , and make him aware of his responsibilities towards his parents and his own future , the sooner I can resume a normal life !
9 If , for instance , if extremely problematic strapping , splints or plaster of paris treatments are used and treatment should be started as soon as possible after birth , so the sooner you notice these things the better You 've all had your hospital experience , has anybody not actually seen a child with erm club foot ?
10 The sooner you enter this world the greater will your enthusiasm for the subject be and the deeper your understanding of the past , the discipline of History and , ultimately , yourself .
11 Dr Jean Coope , in Menopause , advises : ‘ You may not think the stranger is the perfect son or daughter-in-law , but the chances are that your children know who will suit them better than you do , and the sooner you accept this fact , the happier your family will be . ’
12 It was n't the McAuley of old , probably because of ring rust and a badly bruised right hand , and the sooner he gets another contest the better he 'll like it .
13 Koontz , O'Donnell and Weihrich formulate the principle that ‘ since people tend to follow those whom they see as a means of satisfying their own personal goals , the more managers understand what motivates their subordinates and how these motivations operate , and the more they reflect this understanding in carrying out their managerial actions , the more effective leaders they are likely to be . ’
14 Yusuf held back , coolly remarking that both sides were their enemies and that the more they slaughtered each other the better .
15 The more we accept this fear , the more we produce the images to support its reality .
16 However , the more we investigate this phenomenon with the client the more often it becomes clear that the avoidance is maintained because the person is afraid of the fear response itself .
17 Unfortunately , the more we structure these issues the worse and more childlike behaviour becomes .
18 The more you fear financial loss , the blinder you become to solutions .
19 And the more he tried to visualise her , the more he saw another face .
20 The more I followed one character 's life , the more I was led into those of several other characters , ’ he says .
21 The more I heard this set , the more I love it .
22 I confess that the more I consider this alternative , the more I dislike it .
23 It is perhaps understandable that , the nearer we approach modern times , with their greater technical proficiency , the number of ‘ curious ’ editions should diminish .
24 I went in the today they like mad animals running round without a head on
25 The earlier we take these steps the better for everyone concerned .
26 Cos he 's a really you know nice guy and
27 A Well I phoned this help line about the council tax and they were really helpful my bill was a lot cheaper than the original estimate , maybe you should give them a call ?
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