Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] made [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 of the award made to the successful assisted party .
2 of the award made to the successful assisted party .
3 But that was not the burden of the case made by the hon. and learned Member for Burton , any more than it was the Home Secretary 's case when he spoke in commendation of the Bill .
4 The Declaration of Puntarenas contained joint commitments to ( i ) strengthen the mandate given to the Central American Security Commission in Antigua , Guatemala [ see p. 37526 ] , on arms limitation and troop numbers while recognising the " specific tasks " of armed forces in supporting the civilian authorities for the implementation of " social and environmental protection programmes " ; ( ii ) to establish a five-member committee of eminent Central American civilians appointed by " national reconciliation commissions " to verify the political commitments made as part of the Esquipulas II or " Arias " peace process [ see pp. 35440-42 ] , and to seek multilateral and bilateral support to establish an Association for Democracy and Development in Central America to promote regional peace , democracy and economic development ; ( iii ) to build on the progress made under the Economic Action Plan for Central America ( PAECA ) [ see p. 37526 ] , extended by the UN General Assembly for three more years , in order to realize a Central American common market ; ( iv ) to begin talks on a comprehensive Central American customs and tariffs policy by March 31 and to have a regional " anti-dumping code " in place by Dec. 31 , 1991 , and an effective and uniform custom and tariffs system by Dec. 31 , 1992 ; and ( v ) to persuade multilateral lending agencies to promote increased regional development and integration programmes , to write off significant portions of debt and reschedule the remainder in line with the " economic realities " of the region 's countries and to simplify mechanisms for the negotiation of and disbursement of future loans .
5 What this illustrates is that , notwithstanding the progress made in the past two years , the reforms in themselves have done little to compensate for the long term underfunding of the NHS .
6 González , who said that he was pleased by the progress made in the past two weeks in stabilizing the economy , announced further measures on Jan. 15 .
7 The planners had in fact already taken out of the hands of the industry a good deal of the coordinating responsibility for making up the plant backlog , recognising electricity supply as a crucial sector in their overall economic planning and taking steps to intervene directly where they were dissatisfied with the progress made by the Pre-vesting electricity undertakings .
8 The contract made between the third person and the finance company will , depending upon its terms , be a contract either of guarantee or of indemnity .
9 As he knows , the decision made at an earlier stage not to complete the slip road was considered to be ludicrous .
10 However , serum triglyceride levels did not prove to be a significant factor for coronary heart disease in this multivariate analysis and this is probably because of the correction made for the inverse relationship between triglycerides and HDL .
11 Recommendations to the contrary made by the Chilean state agency Instituto de Fomento Pesquero ( similar to the US NMFS ) were ignored .
12 A similar concession will operate where the payment made by the discretionary trustees is not within TA 1988 s.687(2) , but constitutes income arising from a foreign possession ( eg where non-resident trustees exercise their discretion outside the UK ) provided the trustees ( a ) submit trust returns , supported by the relevant income tax certificates , which detail all sources of trust income arising and payments made to beneficiaries ; and ( b ) pay the additional rate tax chargeable on the UK income of the trust in accordance with TA 1988 s.686 .
13 ‘ All I 'm doing is being part of the quiet revival of the traditional novel , in which the commonplace doings and feelings of ordinary people are charted : the kind of novel that , with all the noise made in the past 25 years about the blockbuster and the literary novel , has been shouted down .
14 The erm onset of that crisis was the attempt made by the Soviet Union to emplace erm medium range missile bases on Cuba .
15 The erm onset of that crisis was the attempt made by the Soviet Union to emplace erm medium range missile bases on Cuba .
16 The research investigates the investment made by the public sector in leisure , the limits to public sector involvement in leisure , and the development of the framework within which the various public bodies operate .
17 It is also important not to remain tied to the investment made in an old system .
18 The recommendation made by an external evaluation team to one of BRAC 's main sponsors to continue funding the programme was also an encouraging sign .
19 This part of the Concentrated Reinforcement Programme had probably been prompted by the recommendation made by the Swiss Development Cooperation evaluation team that BRAC 's programme should involve closer cooperation with the local practitioners , as mentioned in the previous chapter .
20 That 's the recommendation made by the Royal College of Physicians in they 1986 report .
21 Artemis realized this was a reference to her new stepmother , but she preferred to try and keep dropping her gathered pebbles into the centre of the splash made by the last one she had dropped .
22 The pact made by the nine is probably already dead .
23 Barro presents some evidence that no such pattern exists : this evidence is from the Durbin-Watson statistic ( see Johnston , 1984 , pp. 314–17 ) which tests the null hypothesis that the error in predicting DM in any period t made by equation ( 6.7 ) is unrelated to the error made in the previous period .
24 Table 7.1 thus also supports the contention made in the first half hour of this chapter that short-term contract workers in the service sector are mainly " voluntary " temporary workers .
25 The cry of a Tyrannosaurus Rex was more like the sound made by a human stomach full of wind after a bad night in a cheap restaurant , not the fierce cry of Steven Spielberg movie monster , said Matsumi Suzuki , a Japanese expert .
26 Now it is obviously possible , because of the way we have constructed this example , to use depreciation to replace the charge made for the principal repayments of the loan and to show that the result will be the same as in Local Authority Accounting No. 1 :
27 I agree with the point made by the right hon. Member for Yeovil ( Mr. Ashdown ) in today 's edition of The Guardian .
28 Will the Minister reconsider the point made by the hon. Member for Bolsover ( Mr. Skinner ) ?
29 On the point made by the hon. and learned Member for Fife , North-East ( Mr. Campbell ) , does my hon. Friend agree that funding both for sport and the arts could be far higher and much more in line with demand if we had a national lottery ?
30 Such contacts can reinforce the effectiveness of our views on the point made by the hon. Gentleman , which is that the death sentence on Salman Rushdie is an unacceptable infringement of his rights as a British citizen .
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