Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [to-vb] with the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And the wider community is denied the opportunity to deal with the issue compassionately .
2 The word processor package which I 'm using to write this book has a couple of games built into it — partly for light relief , no doubt , but also to give newcomers the opportunity to play with the system , to get confident in using the tools .
3 ‘ He is not in good health , and he asks only that his nephew , Nathan , who is sixteen , shall be given the opportunity to work with the firm , starting at the lowest rung of the ladder , to learn the publishing business thoroughly .
4 Where carers admit that abuse has occurred , or are fearful that it may , the worker may have the opportunity to work with the carer ( and where possible , the old person ) on a future strategy .
5 Her role in Selling Hitler offered Julie , one of five children , the opportunity to work with the director Alistair Reed .
6 Participants will be given the opportunity to meet with the Company 's management , inspect its facilities , and review relevant internal documents .
7 The mixed feelings at having given up the struggle to cope with the family member at home can lead to a diminution of visits , which may be painful at times .
8 It allows the board to continue with the levy , which ensures that income will be gained and that training can continue .
9 There was one , there was one last comment that I missed out there that it was the erm the permission to proceed with the product recommendations , you were wanting to proceed with recommendations but you had n't got the commitment off Steven in the first place so you were suggestion recommendations and what !
10 In office for just under a year , Druk had grown increasingly unpopular with the nationalist Popular Front , which organized demonstrations outside the parliament to coincide with the no confidence vote .
11 Day works is a means of paying a contractor on a time and materials basis for incidental work to the contract to comply with the engineer 's instructions , with additions for overheads and profit .
12 that ultimate responsibility for the decision to proceed with the transaction rests solely with the directors of the client company ;
13 The decision to compete with the fiction lending libraries altered things , but for a while the old remedy of pulping was resorted to , sometimes with amusing consequences as the flood of popular titles reached ever greater strength .
14 The seller normally wishes to have the conduct of the claim at his expense , and its ultimate litigation or settlement , since it concerns his business generally , and it is usually impractical for the buyer to deal with the issue anyway , since all of the relevant knowledge is in the possession of the seller .
15 He has the temperament to cope with the job at Old Trafford . ’
16 The player wants the story to continue with the Republic and in the World Cup — and he will be back in his favourite position against Bingham 's boys come next Wednesday .
17 There was little in the West to compare with the fanaticism shown by Eastern monks or lay people as well as bishops over the minutiae of dogma .
18 I am aware that the President of Ukraine has made the point that he would like his republic to be a non-nuclear state and that he would like the west to assist with the process of dismantling and destruction .
19 It will also oblige the acquirer to co-operate with the seller in trying to avoid or reduce the claim and generally to mitigate the liability .
20 Clearly , those who drafted the Directive thought that normally it would be in the interests of the employee to transfer with the business .
21 It is the attempt to deal with the choice as a formal rather than contextual issue which has led pedagogic grammarians into such easily flawed formulations of rules .
22 Pat Bliss , the Reading co-promoter , said : ‘ After our success in 1990 , we had to weaken the side to comply with the sport 's restrictions .
23 Mr. Gilberd instructed the defendant to confirm with the bank that the cheque was acceptable , and the defendant later told him that he had done so and that such a cheque was ‘ as good as cash . ’
24 requiring the defendant to comply with the abatement or prohibition notice or otherwise abate the nuisance in a specified time , and to carry out any necessary works ,
25 We are pleased the Government attaches sufficient importance to the coast to break with the tradition of subject-based PPG Notes to issue a spatial PPG Note in this case .
26 We 're setting up the administration to cope with the chain that we are building . ’
27 This category was now proving vital to Bolshevik organization in the Roslavl' uezd , even if much of its work was more like security and espionage rather than positive encouragement to the peasantry to collaborate with the party .
28 ‘ We 're just trying to contain the market at the moment — at least until we 've got the capacity to deal with the demand . ’
29 Having the radio or television on is one such ploy ; another is to plan the ironing to coincide with the husband 's presence in the evening .
30 Someone there was having a heated argument with an official , who then called the guard to deal with the matter .
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