Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [to-vb] [pers pn] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 They might be different if he had the opportunity to change them after each stage of the count .
2 But er she 's coming a and gives him twenty five pounds for what he 's done oh he came in , he came into the kitchen , it 's ever so funny , he came into the kitchen to tell me about this you see Anyway he came back in there and I said to him I 'm not really enthusiastic about the thought er thinking that I was involved with this as well so the dear woman turned round and said to me it 's only your husband so I said well I 'd better go back in the kitchen where I know my place .
3 This is Brando 's first film since 1980 and it 's good that his old campaigning fire was still sufficiently there under the millions and the sloth to pull him into this .
4 Where there is nothing to show that the parties have used language in any other than its strict and ordinary sense , and where the words interpreted in that sense are sensible with reference to extrinsic circumstances , it is an inflexible rule of construction that the words shall be interpreted in that strict and primary sense even though they may be capable of some popular or secondary interpretation and even though the most conclusive evidence of the intention to use them in such popular sense is tendered ( Enlayde Ltd v Roberts [ 1917 ] 1 Ch 109 : obligation to reinstate property destroyed by fire included an obligation to reinstate where the destruction was caused by incendiary bombs ) .
5 The shame of it is we have the capacity to provide them with that peace but we 've decided it is n't worth it . ’
6 As for the Chancellor himself , Mr Parkinson said : ‘ I think he has both the backbone and the brains and the determination to see us through this difficulty . ’
7 However , I would argue that it begs the question to phrase it in such a way .
8 Peter Mandelson , Patricia Hewitt and a number of other Fabian commentators could have behaved more courteously by addressing the Liberal Democrats by their full name instead of calling them Liberals ; Tony Blair could have had the courage to name them at all , instead of subsuming them into a vague phrase about building common cause with other parties ‘ around the world ’ .
9 No , she 's said , she , she ai n't got the courage to ask her for more money , so I said well just give it a few more weeks and then Anne and Brian 's turn up , if it do n't get any better then , I 'm afraid you got Anne and Brian 's .
10 They manhandled Mr Reagan to the side of the stage and pounced on his attacker , forcing him over the podium to check him for any possible weapons before dragging him away .
11 This movement is usually made more apparent because the head sinks into the shoulders and the hands come close to the body to protect it from some blow , curse or frightening event , e.g. Juliet 's movement after her father has demanded why she is not conforming to his wishes .
12 The interpretation of what remains as historical evidence is after all fundamental to the historians craft , but the deliberate preservation of historical source materials in the absence of context ( or worse still the failure to preserve them at all ) surely does little justice to the society in which we live .
13 Another proof of her social status among the hawkers is her working spot : it is so well located that she if she decides to move she could ‘ sell ’ the right to use it to another vendor .
14 Associated Tunnelling Co Ltd the Employment Appeals Tribunal ( EAT ) held that the tribunal had correctly concluded that there was an implied term in Mr Jones 's contract of employment to the effect that his employer had the right to transfer him to any site within reasonable daily commuting reach of his home .
15 However , he was mindful of his limitations and , after some time , he was able to arrange for a ‘ godly , diligent physician ’ to come and set up a practice in the town to relieve him of this burden .
16 Through remarks like these the police were normalizing the behaviour to distinguish it from that which cam be expected from gougers .
17 ‘ And I had the gall to judge you by those standards .
18 Similar exercises have been undertaken by other er governments and there 's a tremendous contrast with the way those governments have actually sought to do this , with our own government , erm no publicity whatsoever has appeared yet and again I offer the minister the chance to tell us at some later point , what the government is prepared to do to exert itself on this matter and to tell us indeed whether it wants people to register erm it is n't particularly clear whether in fact this is part of er some idea that the government has that people should n't register and I think that the minister needs to be very clear about this so that people get the message outside , because nine and a half million people did n't vote , even in the last general election .
19 The worker , at the time , is not able to interrupt the woman to help her with that problem but after she leaves the bureau the adviser feels extremely worried about it .
20 Roger Frey , de Gaulle 's Minister of Information in January 1959 , argued : ‘ broadcasting is a means of communication between the state and public opinion ; it would be absurd for the government to give it to those who , via the press or otherwise , seek merely to criticize its actions ’ .
21 Jim , true to his word , may be the man to fix it after all .
22 He stared out of his constricting net of anxieties and fears at this clean , smooth , well-intentioned boy , and wondered why he should be expected to make the effort to answer him at all .
23 The ideological demand that communists should seek to improve the accommodation of the people was subordinate to the aspiration to house them in such a way as to make it easier to supervise them and mould them as the Party saw fit .
24 They 've had a very busy summer in the Admissions Office , but now the new academic year is underway , I 've invited them into the studio to ask them about this year 's admissions .
25 The court was bound by the maximum aggregate of six months in section 133 in respect of these offences , and the jurisdiction to pass them in this form did not exist .
26 If you or your child are affected it is worth asking the doctor to change you to another type of antihistamine .
27 There are also times when meaning derives from deliberate violations — or ‘ floutings ’ as Grice calls them — of the co-operative principle , always provided that the sender intends the receiver to perceive them as such , and that this is how , in fact , the receiver does perceive them .
28 ‘ He does n't want the world to see him like this , ’ says Howard .
29 Technically , an assault is either the application of force to the person of another , or the threat to apply it in such a way as to cause the other to fear or apprehend that he is about to be subjected to force .
30 Macca comes second and has the ability to do it with both feet !
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