Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [adv] [vb base] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Plunder and lawlessness from the free-born slowly emerge as the greater menace .
2 The interest which the remains of the Anglo-Saxon past arouse in a modern scholar is an interest in strange and beautiful survivals , in which Lanfranc could see nothing but corruption and lack of learning .
3 We note his use in ( 3 ) of the inclusive first-person pronoun our , and the change from the narrative past tense to the perfective ( has run ) and the future ( will last ) .
4 It was better to let it rot out on the field then go to the trouble to carry it wet because it would only rot or become mouldy and absolutely useless .
5 And the owl … and the pussycat finally make to the altar .
6 The key here lay in the provision of information on the occupational hazards of asbestos to the Raybestos Manhattan workers .
7 Resist the temptation to head for the gem — build left , hit the switch then return to the block marked 3 .
8 The Opposition always deal with the arguments .
9 He and the princess still talk about the spaghetti suppers she cooked for him at her flat in Earl 's Court .
10 Examinations of the development of protest groups such as the NVALA invariably begin with the work of Howard Becker and his notion of ‘ moral entrepreneurship ’ .
11 If you have any strong feelings about the proposal please write into the Office at once .
12 Lewis watched the silhouette gradually form behind the opaque glass in the upper half of the front door .
13 To dismantle the question further look for the other parts .
14 Do n't worry about how it works at the moment just concentrate on the mechanics of getting it running .
15 And best of all , inevitably , the celestial ‘ Car Wash Hair ’ is included here , where the band successfully sound like an entire orchestra swapping instruments mid-song , just about keeping their cool and gliding off into deep melody space , against the odds , with real elegant chaos .
16 She counted to ten , then opened her eyes again — to see the curlew suddenly emerge from the water with a fat , squirming fish held firmly in his beak .
17 But protestors who say they are prepared to defy the bulldozers argue that traffic from Teesside could use the existing southern A66 by-pass round Darlington to Blands Corner on the edge of the town then head for the A1(M) .
18 Yet members of the group immediately come to the help of an individual in trouble and , if danger threatens , the whole herd may simultaneously move away , apparently silently .
19 To use the legs for forward riding , vibrate the lower leg if no response reinforce with a flick with the whip then reward with the voice .
20 Parasitic larval development of most species takes place entirely in the mucosa of the caecum and colon , but a few penetrate the muscularis ad develop in the submucosa .
21 Oh certainly , certainly , erm boys grow up on the whole fairly secure in the knowledge that they have both work cells , occupational cells and also that they 'll be able to have families .
22 Thus when carnal and financial imagery in the tale finally merge in the puns taille and taillynge at the very end , it is an emblem of how much deeper the " " bretherhede " " and " " cosynage " " runs that the monk and the merchant imagine exists between them in the form of play , or as a polite figure of speech , and how concrete it is .
23 The few Catholic schools in the area frequently draw on the services offered by Easton 's Community Relations Branch , as do most of the Protestant secondary schools .
24 The Government laughingly refer to a YT guarantee for every young person .
25 In the meantime , will he give my constituents an assurance that he welcomes the report of the three wise men on primary education , and that the Government fully subscribe to the importance of the three Rs ?
26 Thoughts on the monarchy invariably turn on the constitutional insights of a former editor of The Economist , Walter Bagehot , after whom this column is named .
27 Sometimes in the evenings she had too strong a sense of being locked into the life of the farmhouse , even with the door continuously open on the summer yard , her brother away in the fields , her mother stumbling about the place with buckets , leaning on the table or the back of a chair whenever she stood to talk .
28 In America , whether in or out of court , the managers who led the firm into the ditch often remain at the controls while it is pulled out .
29 I will provide brief answers to them here , since the general relevance and acceptability of the findings presented in the rest of the book clearly depend on the methodological status of the sampling , data-gathering and measurement procedures used .
30 Members of the scheme also benefit from a third party insurance , for a premium of £2 a year .
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