Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [verb] [prep] [noun sg] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Another minor concession was lowering the income limits for tax relief on private health insurance to £8,500 .
2 The income generated by business travel and related expenses is a fast growing part of American Express — accommodation , subsistence , travel and increasingly the use of the cards for making telephone calls .
3 Work Experience gives students the opportunity to learn about adult life .
4 That is why we are committed to provide the opportunity afforded by trust status and to grant it to those health care units that seek it , where they can show that they will use the freedoms that that status involves .
5 The majority happen during DIY work or when garden tools or equipment are being used .
6 A further possible area of confusion is the terminology associated with quality assurance .
7 The terminology used in mobility training sounds technical , but a trained mobility instructor who has experience in dealing with children or a specialist teacher or adviser trained in mobility and independence skills will be able to plan mobility and orientation activities together with the pupil 's class teacher .
8 A number of part-time units derived 90–98% of their income from the farm with the remainder coming from contract work , usually carried out by the son for a little extra income .
9 ‘ More to the point , as they struggle to find their way to the coast — having realised the nature of their predicament , pendant to an encounter with their hairy forefathers that will leave half their number blinded and trepanned and two-thirds of the remainder dying from blood poisoning — they will gradually come to see the uttermost folly of their own moral precepts , their spiritual baggage , their transcendental ballast .
10 Taking the criterion of the number of ‘ social contacts ’ the housewife has during work time , an association with work satisfaction patterns does emerge .
11 It was only later that the theory was refined to include anti neutrinos , when , for consistency with the conservation laws , the name ‘ antineutrino ’ was given to the variety produced by neutron decay .
12 the coverage given by definition expansion to the second level ;
13 These can include advisory services for businesses — support for local enterprise centres , such as the support given to Work West for its business information service based at the workshop on the Glen Road — enterprise awareness training and exhibitions and support for courses , such as the Women and Enterprise programme run by Work West .
14 The Library could budget for phased installation of entry level systems within the next three years by spending a proportion of its budget in each of these years , and working on these systems would give us the expertise to proceed to development phase .
15 The last time the writer heard of lead paint was in connection with an offensive toy from behind the Iron Curtain .
16 In our experience the technique used for tissue disruption and DNA extraction is critical to the success of subsequent DNA amplification .
17 Alison says the National Health Service is woefully underfunded and thinks many people would be prepared to pay extra income tax if the money went to health care .
18 This is probably not the time , but the Opposition is already asking the question which economic historians will seek to answer — what did we do with all the money obtained from petroleum revenue tax and privatisation sales , and was it well-used ?
19 Should n't we give some of the money raised to Farm Aid ?
20 Creditors would pay a share of the money recovered through money advice services to those services .
21 The sale will recoup a small portion of the money stolen from company pension funds by the publisher .
22 The indicators that are traditionally used are the money spent on health care or the number of health workers per head of population .
23 After about thirty years with a genuine French landlord who only sold beer in half-pints , among his other idiosyncrasies , the brewery bowed to public opinion and renamed the place the French Pub .
24 The Gascons demanded that such issues , which gravely threatened the liberty and hereditary rights of both Edward I and themselves , be settled by those they called ‘ common judges ’ or wardens ( esgardiatores ) who should judge the case according to marcher law .
25 Each panel member should ensure that he or she thoroughly tests the case presented for project approval .
26 David Chadwick , prosecuting , said the Crown Prosecution Service would be making representations for the case to go to Crown Court .
27 That goes hand-in-hand with the case made for trade union involvement in oil and gas industry activities .
28 Leading the protest was mini-skip operator Bob Morris who said much of the damage caused in Marl Drive and other streets could have been avoided had warnings about the nearby River Wyddan been heeded .
29 The tax on fossil fuels proposed by the European Commission would be less costly than paying for the damage caused by acid rain , according to a report by Greenpeace .
30 Atari makes it more difficult by writing into the operating system ( the instructions that govern how the computer handles data ) an instruction that does not allow the computer to talk to disc drive and cartridge at the same time .
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