Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [verb] [pron] [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 The Chancellor also took the opportunity to nuance his support for German reunification in ways which will reassure those fearful that precipitate moves to unification might unsettle the Soviet Union and threaten the improvement in East-West relations .
2 In fluent French at a meeting in Paris , the Prince supported their fight for the country 's traditional way of life — a campaign which has included burning the Union Jack and attacking lorryloads of British meat .
3 If the dispute is over the value of the security for the debt held by the creditor , the court may require the creditor to revalue his security for the purposes only of the demand .
4 Mr Anderson has been using the case to support his argument for a change in the law to allow suppliers to recover goods supplied to a customer who goes out of business before paying for them .
5 They sign the contract to take our product for four years .
6 ‘ You mean that one of the family got the gang to do their murder for them ?
7 Held , allowing the appeal , that where a driver was required to provide a specimen of blood or urine for one of the reasons set out in section 7(3) of the Act of 1988 , or claimed the right to provide such a specimen under section 8(2) , the constable was required by section 7(4) to inform him that the specimen was to be of blood or urine and that it was for the constable to decide which ; but that there was no requirement to invite the driver to express his preference for giving blood or urine ; that if the constable intended to require a specimen of blood , the driver was to be given the right to object on medical grounds to be determined by a medical practitioner or , if the requirement had been made under section 7(3) , for some other reason affording a ‘ reasonable excuse ’ within section 7(6) of the Act ; and that , accordingly , the requirement for the defendant to provide a specimen of blood had complied with section 7(4) ( post , pp. 885G–H , 890D–G , 891A–D , 895B–E , H — 896A ) .
8 In neither case is there any need to invite the driver to express his preference for giving blood or urine .
9 Furthermore , it is quite possible to maintain control in such situations without the judiciary substituting their view for that of the tribunal .
10 I shall return to this point later , but must first record how matters went in the Divisional Court , omitting for present purposes any reference to an alternative ground of relief concerning the Director 's refusal to wait whilst the applicant pursued his application for legal aid , which failed in the Divisional Court and was not renewed on appeal .
11 The card signifies our regard for you as an important customer who warrants priority attention at our service station .
12 A proposal to require the President to present his nominee for Prime Minister to Congress for approval was defeated by four votes ; the motion demanding parliamentary approval for other key appointments lost by only one vote .
13 The pamphlet began its argument for the dependence of harmony and order on the recognition of man 's true nature by distinguishing man from other animals .
14 He stood in the corridor outside while the priest prepared his wife for death .
15 From under the counter Franco produced the familiar battered grey hat which had been left behind in the confusion surrounding their departure for Maidstone 's apartment .
16 The traditional short-cut of pouring boiling water into the seed-drill acknowledges its need for warmth .
17 In 1909 Margaret Llewelyn Davies gave evidence to a royal commission on divorce law reform , and the Guild began its advocacy for divorce on the same terms as men .
18 His eloquence was somewhat impaired by the presence on the bed of the current mistress , the Roman Catholic Duchess of Portsmouth , but eventually he succeeded in having her removed and in persuading the King to send for the Queen to seek her forgiveness for the wrongs he had done her ; the King however kept putting off the administration of the Holy Sacrament , and Ken was removed from the room in Charles 's last hours as he was received into the Roman Catholic Church by a priest smuggled into the palace by his brother and successor , James II .
19 Responsibility was formally passed over to TEC in February 1977 , and the Council established its committee for art and design education ( DATEC ) late that year under the chairmanship of Mr David Carter .
20 After examination the Council confirms its grant for the previous year which until the accounts are received remains provisional .
21 To coincide with the study 's publication , the council renewed its call for the Data Protection Act to be amended to enable individuals to see any file on them kept by the league .
22 How then did the RHA develop its plan for closure ?
23 The exposition extends its sympathy for both the younger and the older Wells , and good sense is lavished on the borderline books between — uneasy but stimulating mixtures like When the Sleeper A wakes and A Modern Utopia .
24 Since this was Keith Jones ' last committee meeting , the committee expressed its gratitude for the valuable contributions he had made to the committee .
25 They begged Rytasha for reimbursement , but none was forthcoming , and for the want of a few hundred pounds the village lost its crop for the year .
26 Acheson visited Vandenberg in hospital on 21 January and the senator emphasised his support for Acheson 's policy .
27 In paragraph 8(c) the coroner explained his reason for deciding that the death was by natural causes .
28 What was left of Jonathan Riddle had been taken away by attendants to be stored in a refrigerated drawer until the coroner issued his certificate for disposal .
29 The screw at the other end of the room held his gaze for a moment and then looked away .
30 De Gaulle had not waited for the end of the war to formulate his proposal for the new German settlement .
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