Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] [vb base] for [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The issue will come under the spotlight when the clubs assemble for the league 's AGM at Cemaes Bay on Saturday .
2 On April 4 the DP claimed that the strike had been a success , with strong support in several large enterprises , but observers assessed that even in the cities support for the strike had been patchy .
3 ‘ When Mal picked the Lions team for the tour of Australia last summer he left out most of the Welsh players , ’ said the Salford full-back .
4 If the debtor is away , inquiry should also be made whether or not letters are being forwarded to an address within the jurisdiction ( England and Wales ) or elsewhere ; ( d ) if the debtor is represented by a solicitor , an attempt should be made to arrange an appointment for personal service through such solicitor … the rules provide for a solicitor accepting service of a statutory demand on behalf of his client but there is no similar provision in respect of service of a bankruptcy petition ; ( e ) the supporting affidavit should deal with all the above matters including all relevant facts as to the debtor 's whereabouts and whether the appointment letter(s) has/have been returned .
5 The products appropriate for the food industries are either solvent based degreasers or decarbonisers .
6 One wonders why taxpayers continue to accept a situation that allows schoolchildren to be educated in sub-standard conditions , hospitals to deteriorate , and local authorities to be denied funds to repair damaged roads , when the taxes pay for the subsistence of people forced into idleness who would rather be employed remedying those situations .
7 A hush falls over the landscape as the animals prepare for the coming of the night .
8 AS SUMMER comes in and the demand for ice cream increases so the opportunities arise for the vendors to overcharge , especially when parents are treating their children .
9 The parking spaces for the erm bungalow residents erm are are generally spread around in in a , in such a way as to be as close as possible to the bungalows that they serve , they 're not if you like , specific car park , but on this drawing they 're , they 're identified it 's simply that the proportionate parking that the planners require for a construction of new houses is there and then over and above that there is further parking which , if you like , will satisfy the need of the bungalow residents , though they may not necessarily be identified specifically .
10 Aegon will pay £200m — about half of which is good-will — which will be injected into the with-profits fund for the benefit of the current and future policyholders invested into that fund .
11 Ritualization will then take place , over evolutionary time , in escalating rounds of ever more extravagant signals , to which in turn the recipients respond for a while before they discover ( in the case of the cuckoo 's foster parent ) the distinction between the begging of cuckoos and that of their own young .
12 The chronic nature of the symptoms , the benign appearance of the gastric lesions on endoscopy , and the equivocal histological aspect of the lesions account for the fact that numerous MALT lymphomas were considered ‘ pseudolymphomas ’ until the monoclonal nature of the proliferation could be routinely shown by immunochemistry .
13 The kits work for a range of tropical diseases and for crop pests .
14 If the couple are living apart , the earnings limit for the wife is £32.55 .
15 A first step towards the abolition of poverty could be taken by restoring the earnings link for the uprating of National Insurance pensions abandoned in 1980 and the re-establishment of full entitlements to the state earnings-related pension cut in 1988 .
16 In deciding whether or not the conditions exist for the issuing of conditions , the chief of police may take into account such factors as disturbances that have arisen in the past when the same organisation processed on a previous occasion .
17 The buy-out vehicle , usually a new company which the managers form for the purpose ( " Newco " ) , will therefore often have a fairly complex share and loan capital structure , the reason for which will in part be tax driven .
18 NOW YOU 'VE stopped laughing at the idea of Kevin Costner in tights , you can have a chuckle at the cast rumoured to be lined up for his Robin Hood movie Prince Of Thieves — Danny DeVito ( above ) as Friar Tuck , either Patsy Kensit , Emily Lloyd or Imogen Stubbs as Maid Marian and as Robin 's big buddy Little John , John Goodman , who is reported to have been paid $750,000 just to stay interested in playing Fred Flintstone while the producers look for a script
19 The initials stand for the State Earnings Related Pension Scheme .
20 reserve a number of issues to expert determination , such as the profits figure for a company or the net asset value of a business : see the full list set out at 4.2.5 .
21 Basically speaking , the objectives set for the system have been achieved , but like all other systems the achievement of those objectives brought with it other problems .
22 In all the exchanges of information during the design stage , frequent reference should be made to the objectives set for the project and the standards of the various components .
23 The clinical teacher must be adaptable , as the objectives set for the student may need to be revised because of altered patient care .
24 It is suggested that the extremes of page lengths indicate confusion over the objectives set for the journal , between the publication of shorter papers and monographic articles .
25 It is suggested that the extremes of page lengths indicate confusion over the objectives set for the journal , between the publication of short communications and monographic articles .
26 First , the Americans pay for the construction and running costs of Sigint stations such as Menwith Hill and Morwenstow , saving GCHQ a lot of money .
27 In Matthew the disciples stand for the Church , as does the phrase ‘ the kingdom of heaven ’ .
28 Working singly , or often in pairs , the programs allow for the development of a number of skills including social skills , such as cooperation , discussion ( e.g. on content or amendments ) .
29 The locals come for the entertainment , and to see who 's buying into their village , ’ observed one auction-goer .
30 During taxi manoeuvres and take-off the pictures will show ground views to get those at the controls set for a flight to remember .
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