Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] [prep] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Major topics in this literature are marital happiness , the division of labour and the general patterning of husband-wife roles ; the combination of women 's employment with marriage , and its consequences for husband-wife and mother-child relationships ; the inter-relationships between the nuclear family and the wider kinship system ; and the ‘ captive wife ’ syndrome — the socially isolated situation of women with young children .
2 Full appreciation of place will involve exploration of the inter-relationships among the physical environment , the built environment , and the people .
3 It is impossible for me , for reasons of space , to do more than summarise the most relevant parts of the judgments of the Supreme Court of Canada .
4 But both the Court of Appeal and the House of Lords supported the Minister , Lord Keith saying that the judgments in the Divisional Court illustrated the danger of judges wrongly , though unconsciously , substituting their own views for the views of the decision-maker who alone was charged and authorized by Parliament to exercise a discretion .
5 It seems evident from the widespread popularity of the enactment of the hunt that simple timber arenas were provided in all large and probably even in small settlements , for they were part of the activities at the seasonal festivals .
6 She was involved in planning the activities with the advisory teacher and took on full responsibility for organising the equipment for each session .
7 It is difficult to assess the real impact of these activities on actual policy formulation , but it seems clear that the activities of the preparatory committees at least were thorough and significant , and to some extent taken seriously by the party and government ( Lane , 1985 , pp. 188–90 ) .
8 The activities of the Preparatory Commission which is already functioning have made the position even more complex .
9 An indication of this has been the reduction in the activities of the rural underworld , which was such a thriving feature of village life when it was an occupational community , but which has now virtually disappeared .
10 Post-demonstration coverage also marginalised the political content , focusing , instead , on the activities of the violent minority .
11 The paucity of available evidence concerning the foundation of the institution and the activities of the early Muftis means that one can hope to do no more than to draw reasonable inferences from the little evidence that does exist ; and some of what can be said about these problems involves a projection backward from the activities of later Muftis and will therefore be considered in greater detail in later sections .
12 The association with Fahreddin Acemi of the only information in the Turkish sources about the activities of the early Muftis may well not be entirely coincidental , for in one very important respect he seems to have differed from his two predecessors in the traditional list , Molla Fenari and Molla Yegan , in that he appears not to have held a kadilik simultaneously with the Muftilik , whereas Molla Fenari and Molla Yegan apparently both held the kadilik of Bursa at the same time as the Muftilik .
13 If it is the case that the grand caliph in de la Broquière 's account is indeed Fahreddin Acemi , it would mean that all the admittedly meagre information relative to the nature of the early Muftilik and the activities of the early Muftis is connected with Fahreddin Acemi .
14 The Minister said that all of the activities of the civil rights movement had indicated that it was predominantly a Republican body , and activities in Derry did not disprove that .
15 The activities of the Japanese ministry of International Trade and Industry ( MITI ) provide an important counter-example to the proposition that planning requires extensive state ownership .
16 The Slovak parliament on March 19 agreed to investigate the activities of the Interior Ministry since November 1989 ( i.e. under Meciar , who was Slovak Interior Minister before becoming Prime Minister in June 1990 ) , and the visits abroad by Slovak delegations .
17 Further evidence of a new mood in the legislature in this period can be seen in the steps taken to curtail the activities of the Central Intelligence Agency .
18 Any increase or decrease in the money stock is thus directly attributable to the activities of the central bank .
19 To present an oversimplified example , it can be argued that many occupational groups within the middle class in Western society plan , organize and coordinate the activities of the working class .
20 the activities of the 7th Argyll and Bute Volunteers , reports of accidents , and meetings of natives in Glasgow .
21 It might be the case that the activities of the Young Conservatives make the young people involved feel better : to use the curious language of modern psychologists , participation might improve the young members ' ’ sense of self-esteem' or ‘ actualize their inner identities ’ .
22 Although most of the activities of the Young Conservatives may be ostensibly apolitical , nevertheless a tacit deal has been struck , which is of great political value to the main Party .
23 History used to be written only about the activities of the small group of men and women who held positions of power .
24 Within the framework of the activities of the African Institution Stephen and Zachary Macaulay had a considerable impact on the formulation of legislation and policy for the suppression of the slave trade and its execution .
25 From a physicochemical point of view such a conversion seems inappropriate because the activities of the participating ions determine the solubility product for a given salt and hence the possibility for precipitation .
26 The International Atomic Energy Agency ( IAEA ) , in a report on Jan. 17 summarizing the activities of the ninth UN nuclear inspection team which visited Iraq on Jan. 12-14 , said that Iraq had acquired from Germany large quantities of components used to produce several thousand high-speed centrifuges for enriching weapons-grade uranium .
27 In the main , however , policing continues to be publicly concerned to prevent and detect individual attempts to steal the property of the citizen and it suits the police 's purpose for their community role to be well broadcast , for on those rare occasions when they have expanded their controls to include the activities of the middle classes , they have found themselves on less certain ground .
28 Little of that spirit of unity could , however , be attributed to the activities of the Communist party .
29 Acting president Kadreddin Aslonov , appointed after the Aug. 31 resignation of Kakhar Makhkamov because of the coup [ see p. 38373 ] , issued on Sept. 22 a decree banning the activities of the Communist Party of Tajikistan ( which on Sept. 21 had renamed itself the Socialist Party of Tajikistan ) and nationalizing its property .
30 The entire bill was not , however , adopted by the defence and security committees of the Chamber of the People , although there was agreement that the activities of the Communist Party should be banned .
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