Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] [adj] at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 One must first consider the computers available at the time , which were roughly equivalent in power to an average modern programmable calculator .
2 SIR — I am desired by the management of the Northampton Town Football Club to convey their sincere thanks to the supporters present at the County Ground on Saturday last for the exemplary patience shown awaiting the arrival of the Coventry team .
3 And there indeed they are — an odd little cluster of houses built a century and a half ago , in a jumbled assortment of all the styles available at the time .
4 The Statement of principles and Objectives of the Federation was drawn up at the conference and signed by all the organizations present at the conference ( see Annex ) .
5 It is signed by all the parties present at the pupil 's initial interview .
6 He observed an agent , invisible with the microscopes available at the time , which could be propagated like bacteria in cultures and which dissolved bacteria in cultures which were infected with it .
7 The precise interpretation of an ultimatum depends upon the circumstances prevailing at the time .
8 Paragraph 27 of the [ draft ] FRS requires that the initial accounting for the loan should be based on the circumstances prevailing at the time the loan is entered into and so , for example , changes in a relevant index subsequent to issue should not be anticipated .
9 Held , allowing the appeal , that section 69(1) of the Housing Act 1985 imposed a duty on housing authorities to exercise their discretion in deciding what constituted suitable accommodation for persons whom they had a duty to house under section 65(2) of the Act ; that any decision on suitability necessarily depended on the circumstances prevailing at the time and called for a subjective judgment by a housing authority to be made before the performance of the executive act of securing suitable accommodation for an applicant ; and that the duty imposed by section 69(1) was to be exercised by housing authorities subject only to challenge by way of proceedings for judicial review in the High Court , and not on their merits by an action in the county court ( post , pp. 213E–H , 214B–C , 218A–C ) .
10 I find that the conditions prevailing at the time when the reduction in rent was made , had completely passed away by the early months of 1945 .
11 I am satisfied that the promise was understood by all parties only to apply under the conditions prevailing at the time when it was made , namely , when the flats were only partially let , and that it did not extend any further than that .
12 However , if no copy of the terms is supplied , the reference will normally be interpreted as a reference to the version of the terms current at the time the contract is made ( Smith v S Wales Switchgear Ltd [ 1978 ] 1 WLR 165 ) .
13 Some may be seen 20 or more years later to have been seminal but were ignored because they did not fit into the theories current at the time .
14 It is a common practice within the hotel industry for hotel reception staff to overbook the rooms available at the hotel to a limited degree in the expectation that certain of the bookings made will be cancelled , ‘ no shows ’ as they are sometimes called .
15 Ms Jones , the hotel receptionist at the Hotel Bograte , overbooks the rooms available at the hotel on the night of 1 April .
16 The accident caused considerable consternation and it became clear , talking to the members present at the launch point , that many pilots did not really understand all the factors which caused the accident .
17 They raised a collection from the members present at the meeting , and arranged a special entertainment . )
18 The Chairman welcomed the members present at the meeting and was pleased to see that it was well attended .
19 This way , with the connections all at the rear and the rack components connected to a mains distribution board within the rack housing , the patch cables ( of which there can be quite a few ) need never be touched , and a single mains cable is usually all that 's needed to plug into the wall and power the whole thing up .
20 Meanwhile , the Koons retrospective at the Stedelijk , Amsterdam , has now moved to Aarhus Kunstmuseum in Denmark until 28 February .
21 It is unclear whether the section gives the chief officer of police the power to limit the numbers present at the assembly below the 20 who must be present to constitute the assembly .
22 The development of clones from the rosettes present at the beginning of the study was also recorded in detail so that the clonal parent was known for almost every rosette present in the quadrats at the end of the study .
23 ‘ Sport For All ’ has done little to overcome the inequalities present at the start of the campaign ’ , conclude the report 's authors .
24 From 21 to 23 May the Committee is sponsoring an antiques fair at the Carnegie Hall of Architecture .
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