Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [noun sg] would [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 At later hearings he defended this decision quite vigorously , saying that the narrow boat would remain the basic unit on an improved canal as being the most convenient for loading the collecting areas , all served by narrow canals .
2 The narrow band would reduce the scope for incidental devaluation .
3 There was the hope that entry into the European Community would offer the solution of a magic external escape route , and the drive for institutional efficiency embraced the pretence that the old system could be made to work " better " whilst it was still left pretty much intact .
4 Community care co-ordinated from Brussels and delivered into neighbourhoods by the corporate providers of the European Community would seem the final blow to the familial , private and intimately local ideal .
5 The intention of the Merger Regulation was to introduce a ‘ one-stop , merger control , described by Commissioner Sir Leon Brittan as a ‘ system whereby , in the case of smaller mergers , they would be subject only to national regulation … while in the case of the really large mergers which have implications for the whole Community , the European Commission would have the power to intervene , and companies would not normally need to be concerned about the national regulatory authorities ’ .
6 But games companies seem convinced that only the odd tomboy would enjoy the shoot outs and punch-ups of the average game .
7 According to the Financial Times of Sept. 19 , the Economic Committee would replace the majority of ministries , which were functioning under their deputy ministers after the resignation of the whole Cabinet in August [ ibid . ] .
8 The plan was that foreign capital would build a dam on the Volta river to generate power , and that the private sector would own the smelter .
9 Mr Milburn said the Labour party would create the post of an Environment Minister .
10 ‘ In the false name of justice and equality , the Labour faction would set the classes against each other and overturn the immemorial dispensation of ‘ a place for every man and every man in his place ’ .
11 Of the seats where the Liberal Democrats are second , there are 16 where Labour is a poor third and a switchover by the bulk of the Labour vote would give the Lib Dems victory .
12 I experimented for a while with rudders on drifters , working on the principles of sailing crafts where the vane ( sail ) is set at an angle to the rudder ( submerged stem section ) so that although the wind would blow the vane at the same angle the offset rudder would make the float cut across the surface carrying it out into the lake even though the wind blew along the bank .
13 In 1956 two American physicists , Tsung-Dao Lee and Chen Ning Yang , suggested that the weak force does not in fact obey the symmetry P. In other words , the weak force would make the universe develop in a different way from the way in which the mirror image of the universe would develop .
14 If the Court of Session could make an order of the same nature , it was better to resort to its jurisdiction ; if it would not make such an order , the English court would hesitate the more before seeking to make an order to be effective in Scotland .
15 The NGC spokesman said the council 's decision meant the public inquiry would consider the siting of the substation , a matter originally not on the agenda .
16 On May 8 the government announced that prior to the " joint peace forum " to be held in London , the Ethiopian government would implement the Shengo ( parliament ) resolution by setting up a peace commission to negotiate with " all opposition and pro-unity forces " .
17 The busted door would give the game away when the others come .
18 I should have hoped that the hon. Gentleman would respect the principle of academic autonomy .
19 The hon. Gentleman would address the problem more accurately were he to acknowledge that fact .
20 The plain fact is that some elements of the social charter would run the risk — indeed , would make it a real possibility — of this country returning to some of the trade union practices that did so much damage during the 1970s .
21 In a letter to Mr Major last night , Mr Smith accused the Prime Minister of giving no good reason why the legal opinion on the Maastricht legislation should not be published or why it overturned the view from the Foreign Office during the last 10 months that a vote in favour of the social chapter would wreck the treaty .
22 For example , it may be that admitting pupils up to the standard number would mean the school taking in more than it can accommodate by virtue of the Education ( School Premises ) Regulations 1981 .
23 Later Chavan hinted that the central government would consider the eventual dismissal of the state government if it was found to have violated the court order .
24 Singh responded on Oct. 19 with a compromise plan , whereby the central government would purchase the disputed area and allow the construction of a temple alongside the mosque .
25 The extra pond would separate the Koi from the goldfish .
26 Hence the chief designer would control the whole product space whereas the detail draughtsman could only change details within the box allocated to his specific part .
27 The superstition that the third light from a match brings bad luck apparently originates from the first world war , when German soldiers in the opposite trench would notice the first light , take aim at the second and fire at the third .
28 Ideally speaking , one of the electrodes should be at a site where no activity occurs at all and then the amplified signal would represent the total activity at the area of interest ; in practice this state of affairs is difficult to achieve since no site is entirely free from underlying neural activity .
29 for one moment it seemed that the bald man would carry the situation through by sheer force of character .
30 But it remained to be seen whether the ambitious plan would withstand the impact of possible future austerity measures .
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