Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [conj] [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Female sexuality and reproduction were seen particularly as representative of the mortality that separates us from the eternal and binds us to temporal corruptible life .
2 The visionary places in the ordinary the elements of the eternal and raises it to a higher plane of reality .
3 It is a shambles , which has resulted in local government being undermined and the role of the local community being seen as a threat rather than as a partner trying to rebuild broken economies , help the unemployed and do something about essential services .
4 I licked and rolled , then lit the joint and handed it to Carol .
5 The potential for disaster lurks very close behind the bright shiny facade waiting to pounce on the unwary and relieve them of substantial sums of money .
6 Unfortunately , very few people will appreciate just how much time , effort and sheer innovative thinking has gone into making the engine look similar to how it would look had we merely pressure washed the outside and mounted it for display .
7 The co-existence of IP 3 Rs and RYRs may somehow help to integrate information coming in from the outside and to relay it throughout the neuron through the process of CICR already described .
8 Diogenes , instead of building his own success and fulfilling himself , did the opposite and stripped himself of all pride so that there was no way anyone could hurt him .
9 for the first crossover you take three stitches from the left and cross them with the three centre stitches .
10 ‘ Kevin Vose was 130th in the national and to beat him like that is a dream for me .
11 The activities include befriending the elderly or taking them on day trips , re-creating trails and footpaths in National parks , organizing and running barge holidays for mentally handicapped children , and ‘ greening ’ inner cities by developing disused allotments .
12 I had already observed it in hotel saunas and swimming-pools in Germany , where men and women sat and swam together in the nude and thought nothing of it .
13 Andrus just pops in to see Sesostris and they have a bit of a chat , not a long one , they do n't even have a cup of coffee , mean bastards , both of them , and then Andrus goes on to the Cashier presumably with Sesostris 's authorization and the Cashier takes the money out of the safe and gives it to him .
14 Here the rulers are going to the ruled and examining them from their point of view .
15 She opened the compact and handed it to her husband .
16 ‘ You ca n't just rent a villa or a flat overlooking the Med and install yourself for a peppercorn rent like people used to .
17 Avoiding Richard , who got to his feet as soon as he saw something to be carried , she kicked open the top of the Arctic and flung them in golden handfuls onto the glowing bed of fuel .
18 It was precisely their erudition , their cultivation , their financial security , their disdain for the mediocre that led them to the gas chambers .
19 Practise the above and familiarise yourself with the co-ordination required for turns in each direction before trying to fly proper circuits .
20 Mrs Carol Rushton , superintendent physiotherapist has returned form the above and presented me with a report on the course .
21 The few that remained squatted out in the open or tucked themselves into tiny holes , often with their hindquarters clearly visible .
22 Bringing these out in the open and subjecting them to scrutiny and analysis will yield fruitful results .
23 With these paintings he established his lifetime habit of starting a work in the open and finishing it in his studio .
24 Language , however , should take the form of dialogue : whereas the universality of reason means that it must necessarily renounce all singularity , and whereas language 's function in conceptualizing thought is to suppress the other and bring it within the aegis of the same , in dialogue language maintains the distance between the two ; ‘ their commerce ’ , as Levinas puts it , ‘ is ethical ’ .
25 Ooh I kept this that and the other and keep me in there , so , but eh , I went to Shorncliffe , Shorncliffe hospital .
26 I , I 'm going to have to have more than one meeting and let people , say you 've got to come to one or the other and have them at different times during the week .
27 As a critical or psychological judgement it is meaningless , since it is difficult to see how a conductor can reveal private soul-searching whilst recording the overture to Die Fledermaus or Beethoven 's Seventh Symphony , short , that is , of transposing each piece into the minor and playing it at half speed .
28 Ever since 1986 , when the Wyoming Game and Fish Department took the last black-footed ferret from the wild and placed it in a captive-breeding programme , the intention has been to reintroduce the species to the prairies of Wyoming as soon as enough individuals had been bred .
29 Louis carefully folded his handkerchief into a square and laid it on the deck beside his chair .
30 When I returned to my flat the cat meowed a welcome and rubbed himself against my legs .
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