Example sentences of "[art] [adj] few [noun pl] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 For the first few years the maximum carriage length remained at 42ft .
2 Has my right hon. Friend noticed in the past few days the widespread support for our plans to seek better-quality services from councils ?
3 Over the past few weeks the British parliament 's National Heritage Committee has conducted a public inquiry to find an answer .
4 The best known is the ‘ plain ’ blue variety ; over the past few years the new ‘ red ’ form has become very popular with Apistogramma enthusiast — this form has an orange-red centre to the caudal fin and a lot of orange-red in the dorsal , and is the type I am currently keeping and breeding .
5 Although occasionally Dutch finance companies with Antillean parents ( taxed at a turn on the interest in the Netherlands ) are still seen , for the past few years the perceived wisdom has been that the Swiss finance branch structure is superior .
6 For the past few years the incoming information has been startlingly similar from one season to the next .
7 Until the last few years the entire auto industry was so fixed in its opposition to small cars as to leave the market for them to foreign firms .
8 In the last few years the Conservative government has instituted a programme called ‘ Next Steps ’ .
9 It may interest them that within the last few months the European parliament has agreed to press for a bill of rights for the citizens of Europe and for a written constitution for Europe .
10 He was n't yet quite in the Michael jackson class , but for the last few months the little boy had been difficult in the extreme .
11 Well obviously the last few weeks the eastern Mediterranean has been hit very badly erm but even as from yesterday places like Cyprus are starting to come back very quickly .
12 In the next few minutes the small parties moved in quick spurts from the deep shadow of one warehouse to the next black patch of cover .
13 Over the next few days the local Maquis had gathered them up , somewhat improbably , in a bright red thirty-two-seater bus !
14 IN THE NEXT few weeks the common toads of Britain ( Bufo bufo ) will converge upon lakes and ponds intent on reproduction .
15 Over the next few years the Assistant Librarian , Miss Liddell , probably got fed up with the sight of me as I used to get through several books each week and must have read most of the stock .
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