Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [vb mod] [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A more remunerative price structure for agricultural products and other measures to raise incomes for the poorest may encourage the use of purchased alternative fuels other than wood or cowdung .
2 It shows that the older , ‘ high ’ view of the Church had survived and that not all Nonconformist chapels could be lambasted as mere preaching barns in which the faithful could hear the minister dilate on the role religion could play in politics .
3 A reading which is faithful to the writerly will avoid the closure of static structures ; reading a text in Barthesian terms does not lead to the construction of ‘ a Model ’ or a ‘ legal structure of norms or infractions ’ , a narrative or poetic law , but opens ‘ a perspective ( of fragments , of voices from other texts , other codes ) , whose vanishing point is nonetheless ceaselessly pushed back , mysteriously opened ’ ( p. 12 ) .
4 The close association between the visual and the cultural may explain the reluctance of some teachers to give it much attention .
5 If the English would execute the son of Sir Alexander Seton , a noted Scots knight , would they hesitate over ordinary townsfolk ?
6 ‘ Remember the meek shall inherit the earth . ’
7 Not even the British could stomach the sight of the King and Queen arriving at a Coronation in separate carriages .
8 Athelstan vaguely remembered rumours about how , in the spring , the French might attack the Channel ports and even force their way up the Thames to plunder and burn the city .
9 This was not the moment to tell him that six people had to put money into a building society for every borrower who took it out , and some of the six must read the paper .
10 But what will make the industry 's traditional jamboree an even more painful experience for America 's big three car makers is that the Japanese will hog the limelight with a clutch of flashy new models .
11 The accused may admit the exposure was wilful etc. verbally and/or by making a statement under caution .
12 In most cases the accused will strike the officer who should describe the assault in detail .
13 The second will consider the work being done to mobilize the concern and commitment of individuals working in all aspects of health care to ensure that they were genuinely working for the health of the people .
14 The second will consider the effectiveness of the law as a control technique in holding directors to the ends so specified .
15 Also of interest are : An Evening With Terry Gilliam , at which the ex-Python will discuss the making of such movies as Brazil and The Adventures Of Baron Munchausen , at 8pm tomorrow at the Hyde Park Picture House ; Michael Lehmann 's black teen comedy Heathers , with Winona Ryder , on Wednesday at 8pm at the Cannon 2 ; and Bernard Tavernier 's ( Round Midnight ) post-World War One love story , Life And Nothing But , with Philippe Noiret , at the Hyde Park Picture House at 8pm on Wednesday .
16 And even if it were enforceable and there 's three how would you decide which two of the three could do the job .
17 The poor will feel the shock waves most .
18 Here the consequentialist differs from the non-consequentialist in that some of the latter would stress the importance of people keeping their promises and would consider it better if they did .
19 I further agree with my noble and learned friend that there can be inferred no implied agreement between Woolwich and the revenue that the latter would repay the sum of £57m. in the event of the former succeeding in their challenge to the Regulations .
20 Borrowers may find it in their interests not to break a relationship with an investment bank , as the latter may stabilise the bond price and maintain an orderly aftermarket , ensuring a good reception of future issues .
21 The privilege would not stretch to reports of fresh statements made by speakers after the protected meeting has been closed , although it has been held that it does extend far enough to allow those who have spoken in the course of the meeting to repeat their privileged statements to reporters afterwards so that the latter may check the accuracy of their notes .
22 Neither approach seems entirely satisfactory , although the latter may have the advantage of facilitating a simple architecture , with a uni-directional flow of information from the bottom upwards .
23 The latter will cause the development of a male , the former of a female embryo .
24 The latter will include the fact that the report complies with auditing standards and , where it departs from these , the reasons ; the steps taken in the audit process ; and that it was planned and performed ‘ so as to obtain reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free from material misstatement , whether caused by fraud or other irregularity or error ’ .
25 This means that the latter can rescind the contract .
26 In that case , the House of Lords concluded that a bank giving information as to the liquidity of one of its own customers to another bank so that the latter could show the information to one of its customers could be liable to that customer , even though the first bank did not know the identity of the second bank 's customer , the ultimate recipient of the information .
27 ( f ) Indemnity Whilst it might readily be implied that where one partner 's breach of some provision in the partnership agreement leads to liability attaching to his co-partners the latter should have the right to an indemnity from their colleague , the better practice is to make that right express ( Clause 16.02 ) in the partnership agreement .
28 It is already clear that , for example , if the objective of the central government is to encourage local authority spending in some service , a matching grant will be preferred to a lump-sum grant , even though the lump-sum may increase the welfare of the local authority residents by more than a matching grant .
29 The intrepid will cross the river — it 's not too wide at this point — and explore the height of the waterfall by walking up beside it to where there are superb views down the valley .
30 The MMC will analyse the merger to find out whether it falls within FTA 1973 and whether it operates against the public interest ( as defined by FTA 1973 , s84 ) .
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