Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [noun sg] [to-vb] the [n mass] " in BNC.

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1 In particular , software and support should take account of the possible need to emend the data after it has been released .
2 He resolutely refused to conform to local customs and made not the slightest effort to understand the people .
3 In one of these turrets was a camera oscura , a dark room with a crystal prism set in it , which enabled the old Contessa to see the people walking in the square below .
4 The computer manufacturers hope that this will lead to increased sales of their workstations and personal computers that have CD-ROM drives installed , and in the future hope to develop the multimedia side of the business .
5 On the same day the lowest tender to build the smallpox hospital , for £350 ( Mr. Toll ) , was accepted , on the understanding that the contract had to be completed in three months .
6 Allan Lamb duly got there , but Joel Garner produced the perfect yorker to end the innings .
7 Three days before the CAA hearing , the new Virgin Atlantic Airways was launched publicly at Maxims restaurant in London , with the requisite drum-banging to ensure the media paid full attention to Branson 's claim that there were ‘ 250,000 people who do not yet travel to New York , but would if the price was right ’ .
8 In recounting his goal-scoring triumphs , Ken Mentle had the unique ability to empty the Duck and Forceps in six minutes flat .
9 I wished ICAO to take up the matter with a view to ensuring that the State of registry should have the primary right to salvage the aircraft .
10 He ordered the interior ministry to defend the media physically in the face of threats by Communist hardliners in the Congress of People 's Deputies that they would themselves seize control of the press and broadcasting organisations ahead of Mr Yeltsin 's planned referendum on his authority on 25 April .
11 Over the next few seasons debts continued to mount and in an unprecedented move Athletico again made history , becoming the first club to introduce the £1 pork pie .
12 Perhaps the easiest , if not the earliest way to identify the people who are not coping with recent events is to wait until their distress brings them into contact with health or social services .
13 It is now going to be very difficult for the Lions to win this series , although they did come from the same position to win the series four years ago in Australia .
14 With the child 's consent the video was shown to the secondary school 's staff to raise awareness of the child 's needs and at the same time to identify the staff 's anxieties and areas for future staff development .
15 This means that in most cases it is more likely to be a matter of relaxing the forward pressure to allow the aircraft to level out rather than pulling it out with a positive backward pressure on the stick .
16 It is the best way to serve the people we want to stand up for .
17 As it transpired this was not the best way to support the staff with their problems of low morale .
18 IBM 's SMS philosophy is simple enough , letting the system , rather than the operator worry about the best way to spread the data around the disks .
19 Azar and Punjab Singh agreed that Delhi was the best place to see the partridge challenge in the whole of the subcontinent .
20 He was so favourably impressed by the industrial potential of the area that he and some friends raised the necessary capital to revive the works , and as a result he moved to Shropshire .
21 These observations of distance and speed can be coupled with general knowledge of the way a small probe behaves in the gravitational fields of bodies in the Solar System to determine the spacecraft 's position with astonishing accuracy , typically to a few hundred metres at a range of hundreds of millions of kilometres .
22 A brine shrimp hatcher is now going and small mesh nets have been attached to the side of the main tank to receive the fry .
23 Plastic Grids were placed in the bottom of the main vat to stop the fish from being sucked into the pump inlet .
24 The attack is a low-level one , the hooked talons thrown forward at the last moment to seize the fish , the forward speed of the eagle pulling the catch from the water .
25 If the vehicle should become stationary , the timer is allowed to run and , after one minute , it switches on the flasher circuit to operate the l.e.d .
26 Is my right hon. Friend aware that I am extremely grateful to him for the wise decision to retain the St.
27 The mammalian process may not have been the safest way to perpetuate the species , but as the emerging man was , by virtue of the very nature of the evolutionary process , developing a body capable of the enjoyment of life to a degree equal to that of all other forms of life in total , he was restricted to what was biologically possible .
28 At Duperial 's San Lorenzo site , Argentina , close links have been formed with the local neighbourhood to discuss the works ' operations and emissions .
29 The only difference would be that the government would pay a private firm to provide the data in the first place .
30 ROLF GOELZ , West Germany 's leading rider , dominated a four-man sprint to win the 214km Milan to Turin classic for the second successive year yesterday .
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