Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [noun sg] [verb] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 General warnings are usually given , but often as part of the introductory briefing given to holidaymakers on their arrival .
2 Between 1960 and 1980 the total acreage devoted to food production in Africa increased from about 70 million hectares to about 100 million , or about 2.5 per cent per year , sufficient to sustain a population increase of about 2.7 per cent .
3 Champagne Rose was what they drank and , with liqueurs and coffee , the total bill came to £2.4s.6d .
4 An 8-ohm extension cabinet can be added to both versions , when the total load drops to 4-ohms , unleashing the unit 's full 350-watt capacity .
5 Publicly provided services constitute only a small part of the total care provided to people in need .
6 In the interim report sent to shareholders in August I paid tribute to the achievements of my predecessor , Robert Horton , who left the board in June .
7 After locking into the Corpach sea basin the previous day we nosed into the narrow canal leading to Neptune 's staircase towards a spectacular sunrise somewhere over the summit of Ben Nevis , a crackling of thin ice at our bows and a thick rim of white frost on the teak gunwhales .
8 Suddenly , the hideous possibility occurred to Harry that he had slept past his stop and would have to retrace his route from some remote reach of the Bakerloo line .
9 In August the Northampton Society were continuing their advocacy of Scott , and the 17th Freeman wrote to Scott .
10 Significantly , there is no provision ( yet ) in the European Convention corresponding to Article 25 of the UN Declaration .
11 The late medieval church had become , with exceptions , rich , arrogant and lax ; increasingly divorced in attitudes and practices from the leaders of lay society who were both more literate and self-assertive as the values of the European Renaissance spread to England .
12 The friendly voice belonged to Mrs Caskie who lived just along from Maggie and her family .
13 The attempted murder relates to Patricia Agnes Caldwell of Coronation Road in Eden .
14 That two dozen of these interiors are in buildings statutorily ‘ listed ’ for their special architectural or historic interest say much for the low regard paid to pubs in the exercise of listed building control and indeed for the listing process itself .
15 North Tyneside complained about the low status given to North Shields shopping centre .
16 If the standard of service observed on this occasion is general , it may be that this reflects the low priority given to library expenditure in this university .
17 Those schools which were not satisfied were asked to give examples of the constraints which limited provision and , apart from time , those most commonly mentioned in the primary sector related to the low priority given to health education when compared with other developments , and to the lack of a specific school policy .
18 One of the most significant indications of the lack of importance attached to staff management in education is the low priority attached to motivation and development .
19 The largest demonstration faced to date by the current government , involving an estimated 50,000 government employees in Panama City on Oct. 16 , demanded the cancellation of the economic austerity plan [ see p. 37706 ] , the reversal of large-scale job losses in the public sector , and the ending of bonus payments on top salaries .
20 The new colony was divided among a number of courtiers ; the largest section went to Charles 's brother , James , Duke of York , who renamed New Amsterdam after his own ducal title , and just to the west two families from the island of Jersey , the Berkeleys and the Carterets , received a grant of land which they named after it .
21 The political lead provided to curriculum planners in Tanzania is present in varying degrees in other countries .
22 Not , thought Robert , that there would be much anyone could do should the Twenty-fourth Imam decide to loon around SW19 behaving like a negative version of Superman .
23 Often the sole ornament applied to mills was projecting angle piers and a small cornice near the top of the facade , surmounted by a ‘ blocking course ’ of bricks , although some very large mills built during the Edwardian period , when labour and materials were cheapest , display elaborate decorative brickwork .
24 However , Grundy ( 1986 ) , using data from the OPCS Longitudinal Study which is based on a 1 per cent sample of the 1971 Census linked to records from the 1981 Census , reports a similar pattern .
25 The opinion in the Reparations Case would not have been possible if the classic rule relating to treaties and third parties had prevailed ; instead the Court considered the nature of the United Nations , the terms of its constitutive treaty , its composition , its functions , its rights and duties .
26 Since the admirable legislation relating to guardians ad litem was enacted , and since the passing of the Children Act 1989 , social services work has involved much extra legal work .
27 In the use of computers for statistical analysis , the greatest difficulty relates to data input and validation .
28 But it was the gruelling work schedule Kylie was now working which placed the greatest strain according to friends .
29 The technical obstacle relates to ring-fencing of local government money .
30 The purpose of these is to produce prototype implementations as a vehicle for the technical team to explain to members the factors involved in the development of neural network-based solutions across a range of applications .
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