Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [noun] [vb base] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 The mean Developmental Sentence Score ( DSS ) is derived by adding the total sentences score for a sample of 50 utterances and dividing the total by 50 .
2 Dawn Adams and Ann Welsh received the Charles Whiteside memorial trophies for their 1500 displays , with the Norman Graves award for the best boys middle distance win going to Liverpool 's Paul Lamb .
3 THE English schools team for the 21st annual home countries schools international at Hull on Saturday includes three Newcastle swimmers .
4 So what does the no-boundary proposal predict for the universe ?
5 Royal fans … children from the British School perform for the Princess
6 The slow-moving five-foot lines are unexpected ; the dignified quatrains make for a cumbrous narrative style , which is alien in spirit to that of a medieval ballad .
7 As the social services account for a substantial part of public spending , cuts affected a wide range of services .
8 No , you 're just a pathetic monomaniac who 's lived too long and has become obsessed with the idea of making the entire planet suffer for an ancient wrong that was perpetrated by a mindless minority ! ’
9 The remaining covers apply for the duration of the booked holiday plus the period of travel from home to departure point and back home afterwards not exceeding 24 hours in each case .
10 A win for Akinwande , who beat the much-hyped Herbie Hide for the 1989 ABA title , will elevate him close to a world top-10 rating , if not pushing him into the elite of one of the four organisations .
11 The inhabitants of the outside world exist for the social actor not as persons whom he knows on an individualised basis , but as social types ( like mechanics or planners ) , or indistinguishable collectivities of persons ( like bureaucrats , Tories or Dinka ) The rules and conditions coming from the outside which in some way affect him are simply taken as given .
12 Between 1981 and 1986 the average hospital stay for a patient aged 85 and over decreased by 7.7 days .
13 The following definitions apply for the purposes of the [ draft ] FRS and in particular the statement of standard accounting practice set out in paragraphs 16 to 61 .
14 P. E. ‘ Bucks ’ was the ordinary police talk for the working man or yobbo — the unruly kind of person that hung round street corners .
15 Why should the Tory rebels vote for a wrecking amendment which has been rendered futile ?
16 The drama course for professional performers which does not at the present time qualify for a mandatory award , is fully accredited by the National Council of Drama Training as is the Acting Option of the Graduate Diploma course .
17 Some thought it was an attempt to make the long hitters go for the green across the water so they made it twenty-five paces shorter .
18 He saw the long lashes drop for an instant and the lips contract fearfully , and laughed .
19 The flashy divers go for a really expensive dry suit .
20 It is extremely important that all the factions — not just the clans but the sub-clans — in northern , southern and central Somalia come together under the United Nations plan for the ceasefire .
21 A few of the older ones qualify for the County Trials .
22 This heavy gauge Chinese wok with wooden handle is 33cm/13in in size — large enough to toss the tastiest stir fry for the hungriest family .
23 Hitherto , provision of adult deaf organisations had largely been confined to church services and other pastoral services , but in 1871 , a most important step was taken with the founding of Glasgow Deaf and Dumb Football Club , the first sports dub for the deaf in this country .
24 The familiar Maxwell reach for a libel writ brought about an immediate public apology .
25 Leonard , who plays more golf in the summer than bowls , partners Irish international senior skip and Lisnagarvey club mate Noel Graham in their bid to win the Irish pairs title for the first time since the brilliant Fisher and Ringland combination won it for the Lisburn club in 1970 .
26 The nine gleaned from this encounter puts Essex ahead of the field on 30 points , with Norfolk one-and-a-half behind as the six-time winners prepare for a final match against Cambridgeshire .
27 Nor does the statutory postponement apply for the purpose of ascertaining whether you have made a complaint to an industrial tribunal within the requisite time limit .
28 Independence requires , however , two things missing in Britain and America : the regular rotation of auditors ; and the banning of conflicts of interest between work done for the shareholders ( auditing ) and the increasing amount the same firms do for the managers ( consultancy ) .
29 The operation of this 3% in three year rule is likely to be unduly restrictive when it first applies because of the expected need to grant substantial new options to sharesave scheme participants and at the same time allow for the first allocations under the proposed executive share option scheme .
30 Unix , House believes , will dominate the open systems market for the next five years .
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