Example sentences of "[art] [noun] which [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It is common ground that Norwich and Winchester carry on ‘ investment business ’ by reason of their engagement in one or more of the activities which fall within the paragraphs in Part II of Schedule 1 to the Act : section 1(2) .
2 Investment business is defined in paragraph 1(2) of FSA as meaning the business of engaging in one or more of the activities which fall within the paragraphs in Part II of Schedule 1 of FSA ( ‘ Investment Business ’ ) and which are not specifically excluded by Part III of Schedule 1 ( ‘ Excluded Activities ’ ) .
3 The general rule with regard to these provisions might be said to be that the settlor will not avoid tax on the income which arises from the capital which he has settled unless he and his wife are excluded from all possible benefit .
4 Right at the very beginning , in the prayer which arises from the memory of Christ 's anguish in the garden of Gethsemane when the narrator remembers " swattest blod for angwysche " , the shorter version identifies this sweat with that which marks the healing and turning point of human fever conflating it with the sweat of human anguish struggling against evil .
5 Kobena Mercer and Isaac Julien are right to emphasize that the complexity which arises at the junction of race and sexuality is something which ‘ some people simply do n't want to talk about ’ .
6 In this sense the picture of the housewife which emerges in the present study not only bears on an understanding of the situation of women in society today ; it also illuminates one face of urban family life .
7 Thus the stereotype which exists within the community itself , of two close friends gossiping in Patois , corresponds to reality — with the proviso that even in such conversations , code switching between Creole and British English will take place .
8 Despite the accident , sponsors were impressed with the PJC-1 's performance , and the first PJC-2 was soon built , modified so that the crossed-controls which resulted in the earlier accident , could not again occur .
9 He became a vice-president of the Newcomen Society for the study of the history of engineering and technology ; he became a member of the Science Museum advisory council , and took an active part in the discussions which resulted in the establishment of the Railway Museum in York ; the National Trust made him a member of its properties committee , to advise on industrial archaeology ; and he was appointed chairman of the Council for British Archaeology research committee on industrial archaeology .
10 Edwin Montagu , Secretary of State for India , had arrived in Delhi for the discussions which resulted in the Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms , the first concession to Indian nationalism .
11 For the expressive items , the tester asks the child to repeat two sentences ( ‘ The baby is sleeping ’ ; ‘ The baby is not sleeping ’ ) and then to say the sentence which goes with the picture indicated by the tester .
12 The court which sentences him for the latest offence will have to decide whether to return him to prison to serve a period equal to the balance of the sentence which remained on the day the offence was committed .
13 Since these particular constraints do not apparently operate upon variation in subject-verb agreement in standard English , which in turn is affected by a different set of constraints ( see Huddleston 1984 : 241 ) , we must assume that the surface variants of the verb which occur in the two dialects are embedded in structurally different grammars .
14 My right hon. Friend is right to draw attention to the dangers which lie within the social charter of making European industry uncompetitive in relation to Japanese industry and to others .
15 It may well have been the realization that this was the case which led to the emergence of criticism of those responsible for enclosures .
16 the state of the premium trust funds , these are the sorts of consideration one would need to take into account , er a no doubt they would , they 'd need to be argued fully at a , at a later stage , but the only question here is , if your Lordship refers and there 's going to be some delay , well , erm , I was trying to think of an analogous case er and the case which went to the European court at the beginning of last year had consequences which were potentially far more profound than this case is , it was the Case concerned the application of equal pay principles to pensions
17 if we went to that , who , what , what , which was the case which dealt with the erm one arm satisfactory appeal procedure or , or that
18 Duty and service , not freedom or happiness , are the notes which reverberate through the history of eighteenth-century Prussia .
19 Each of the examples in this section illustrate the complexities which lie behind the definition of problem and special need by professionals in what they believe to be a collaborative relationship with parents .
20 In this case , rather than C , we add the constraint which leads to the additional row ( b ’ ) .
21 The contagion which spreads from the enemy can be arrested because it is clearly subversive , but how is it treasonable to demand for one 's fellow socialist citizens what is clearly permitted to others ?
22 Inside the solid lumps of our brain lives the experience which appears to the subject as an ordered world , the room in which I write for example .
23 Generally , it will be best to run it up the corner of the kitchen which coincides with the corner of a room upstairs .
24 R. F. V. Heuston summarises this by saying that there is a distinction between the rules which govern on the one hand the composition and the procedure and , on the other hand , the area of power , of a sovereign legislature .
25 The reasons which led to the Civil War of 1642 – 48 are explained , and the parts Chepstow and its lord played in it are outlined .
26 Note that there is no reason for anyone to restrain their thoughts or their reflections on the reasons which apply to the case , nor are they necessarily debarred from criticising the arbitrator for having ignored certain reasons or for having been mistaken about their significance .
27 All it requires is that its instructions will reflect the reasons which apply to its subjects , i.e. that they should require action which is justifiable by the reasons which apply to the subjects .
28 Sometimes the best way to reach decisions which reflect the reasons which apply to the subjects is to adopt an indirect strategy and follow rules and considerations which do not themselves apply to the authority 's subjects .
29 Reliance on such considerations is justified if and to the extent that they enable authorities to reach decisions which , when taken as a whole , better reflect the reasons which apply to the subjects .
30 Kinetic Wedge This consists of a piece of softer EVA in the midsole which acts as the trap-door for the big toe , allowing it to drop down and flex and causing the arch of the foot to be raised naturally .
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