Example sentences of "[art] [noun] for the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In another entry the master had sent the porter for the medical officer at three o'clock in the morning to attend a single woman in childbirth .
2 I was convinced he was about to do the same to me , when he suddenly appeared to notice the tent for the first time , shied away and crashed off into the trees .
3 Adrian Jones of Laser … says its easy to sail … its not for the beginner but the club sailor will be able to handle it … he says it gives the opportunity for the normal man or girl in the street to sail together in a powerful boat … all the boats will be exactly the same … it means that the best sailor will win …
4 In striking down the law Duplantier made it clear that he hoped that his decision would provide the opportunity for the Supreme Court to overturn the landmark 1973 judgement Roe v. Wade which provided the foundation of legal abortion in the US .
5 But Anna Pavord 's recognition ( 27 September ) of the opportunity for the twentieth century boldly to turn Uppark 's tragedy to advantage , is a more compelling argument .
6 The Home Secretary said that we must not provide the opportunity for the organised violence against asylum seekers in Europe to spread here .
7 In the case of the treaty it gave the opportunity for the Red Army to be created , which at a later date was able to go on to the offensive .
8 That loses the opportunity for the hon. Member for Antrim , East ( Mr. Beggs ) to ask a supplementary question .
9 McLean popped up in this unusual viewing position — the advertising hoardings around the Tynecastle pitch are kept in place by sandbags — shortly after swapping his seat in the stand for the United dug-out on Saturday , and , arms waving , he remained there virtually throughout the final 15 minutes .
10 The rehearsals for The Elder Statesman proceeded although , because of Eliot 's marriage , they were " haunted by gossip writers " .
11 The contracts for the first defence of the title given to Lewis when Riddick Bowe was stripped of the distinction by the WBC were signed by the fighter and his manager , Frank Maloney , in Glasgow yesterday and faxed to Tucker 's handler , Don King , in New York .
12 Luke , as we have seen , makes the prayer for the Holy Spirit the supreme blessing of the Messianic Age , and shows now wonderfully .
13 The grants announced yesterday cover about half of the funding for the higher education sector .
14 The funding for the present installation comes largely from Paul Mayen , a family friend of Edgar J. Kaufmann Jr .
15 As this was fastened and he was made ready for departure , the prince for the first time seemed ill-at-ease — as if only then did he sense the poignancy of the moment and was after all loath to go .
16 Otherwise 100 litres is taken as the base for the highest consumption process and for the others doses are expressed proportional to the highest level .
17 The irrationality of taking last year 's budget as the base for the current year 's , and arguing only for and against increments , has been repeatedly pointed out .
18 The bid that to you as a specific grant next year will then itself be absorbed into the base for the following year , and there will be a new specific grant .
19 Ten fighter jets from Upper Heyford have left the base for the last time , as the American operation there begins to wind down .
20 The crew returned to the base for the next mission on May 19 .
21 A GLANCE at the provision for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration in the president 's budget for 1994 reveals nothing unusual .
22 Campion had unhooked the mike for the multi-channel radio from under the dash , but he was n't speaking ; base desk was giving out a priority call and he 'd stopped with the mike on his knee and the coiled flex hanging loosely .
23 They are also aware of the regional and local variations in the support for the General Strike .
24 Given the creation of Rail Track , the constitutional position in respect of the accountability of and the support for the British Transport Police is clearly most unsatisfactory .
25 More fundamentally … welfare pluralists can not escape opening wider the door to privatisation by the support for the commercial sector inherent in their advocacy of a plurality of sources of welfare .
26 The papers of counsel acting for the plaintiffs in a pending action in the Commercial Court were mistakenly sent to the solicitors for the other side .
27 On an application by B. to be joined as a party and for an order that the money in court should not be paid out to the solicitors for the interim government : —
28 instead the Church preferred to use the Annunciation for the first day of the year , and this led to the adoption of 25 March , nine months before Christmas , although this choice was by no means universal .
29 However some employers must have moved more quickly , since the Scotsman for the same day carried the following report : The masters say they have engaged workmen from England who have proved equal to the occasion , while for the past few weeks an experiment was made with educated females at the case .
30 I can understand the designers ' reasoning , in that the knobs for the front pickup are to the front , and so on , but consciously or subconsciously , guitarists work from the selector switch , and my feeling is that that should point towards the pickup controls currently in use .
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