Example sentences of "[art] [noun] have [been] a great " in BNC.

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1 The result has been a greater awareness by each of the priority areas of school development upon which the other has decided to focus .
2 There are enough good , specific reference sources available these days for the captions to have been a great deal more informative ; even at this very reasonable price the reader has a right to expect less of the hard work to be left up to him .
3 With a trading profit for C&P last year of £473 million on sales of £4.2 billion [ 9 per cent up on 1986 ] , there can now be no doubt that the move has been a great success and that the thinking behind it was sound .
4 Kate said the evening had been a great success : it received plenty of local press coverage , the Rossendale Group increased its membership , and the Mayor agreed to donate £100 to Amnesty .
5 Where the father had been a great general , the son was rash and impetuous .
6 The small orchestra was ‘ feeble ’ , and Mozart wrote sadly to his wife that the concert had been a great success from the point of view of honour and glory , but a complete financial flop .
7 Seeing the parachutes back in the air has been a great morale booster for the base .
8 The centre has been a great success since opening its doors a year ago and looks forward to celebrating many more birthdays .
9 The scheme has been a great success — so much so we have decided to continue it , ’ he said .
10 The erm the discussion has been a great illumination .
11 A gift of £250 from Sir Alan 's will went towards the making of tennis courts , and in due course a Trust Fund was established , of which the School has been a great beneficiary over the years .
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