Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [vb pp] off [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 an electro cardiograph , it 's a tracing of the electrical il impulses from the heart given off by the heart and this chap came in he 'd never had one before and he was nervous anyway , so I 'm trying to put him at his ease and I , I put , you have to put like a rubber band round their arms and legs and attach erm electrodes to them , you do n't feel anything , you 're only measuring the electrical impulses given off by the heart
2 She did not understand what could have made the boy run off in the opposite direction .
3 ‘ I 'm surprised you have n't had the window-frame shipped off to the Black Museum . ’
4 Anglian Water Authority claims that the water drawn off from the lake is still safe despite these problems because of the treatment it gives the water before it reaches people 's taps .
5 The Davidians split off from the Sabbath Day Adventist church in the nineteen thirties .
6 Sadler navigated the party to within a mile of the town , and splitting into groups the men headed off into the darkness laden with their bombs .
7 The arm and post are then lined up and the mortise marked off on the arm from the post .
8 However I did get a bit cheesed off with the movie 's rather plodding pace .
9 I 'm just a bit pissed off with the way the wallpaper 's hanging !
10 In the attempt to win society 's approval by a cultured ministry that had both sweetness and light , would Nonconformity produce a ministry cut off from the faithful ?
11 A ‘ You could finish with a chain cast off on the front , instead of backstitching through the open stitches as usual .
12 The spadefish swim faster in schools because of a slime given off by the swimming fish .
13 OMAGH TOWN had a man sent off for the third game in a row as they were outclassed at Shamrock Park .
14 It was relatively easy to do in the first years of the regime , with a war- and hunger-cowed populace , a subsistence-level economy , and a country cut off from the outside world .
15 As soon as they were over the bridge , a driveway cut off to the left and their way was barred by huge wrought-iron gates .
16 In The Possessed , the conspirators have enticed their victim to a dark remote spot where nothing will be seen or heard , and have done the deed and tied two heavy stones to the body so that it is sure to sink , and have carried it to a pond and thrown it in : then , ‘ With extraordinary carelessness ’ they overlook that cap which has no doubt fallen off in the struggle , and which the police will soon find .
17 With their bare hands , they fought to save the man who had an ear ripped off in the attack .
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