Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [vb past] [pron] [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 In fluent French at a meeting in Paris , the Prince supported their fight for the country 's traditional way of life — a campaign which has included burning the Union Jack and attacking lorryloads of British meat .
2 The times suited his predilection for historical references in clothes , for dressing up , for being glamorous and the collections he did then saw him develop sureness of touch allied with a taste for a dangerous dare or two which characterised much of what he does today .
3 On Sept. 24 the Netherlands published its draft for a treaty on political union .
4 I shall return to this point later , but must first record how matters went in the Divisional Court , omitting for present purposes any reference to an alternative ground of relief concerning the Director 's refusal to wait whilst the applicant pursued his application for legal aid , which failed in the Divisional Court and was not renewed on appeal .
5 A boy passing by homewards from the pictures heard his cries for help .
6 The pamphlet began its argument for the dependence of harmony and order on the recognition of man 's true nature by distinguishing man from other animals .
7 The PNC reiterated its support for the peace plan it had approved in 1988 [ see p. 36438 ] , which was based on UN Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338 , and the guaranteeing of the legitimate national rights of the Palestinian people .
8 28th August 1930 was a sad day , as the islanders closed their doors for the last time .
9 Instead the MEPs renewed their demand for a directive , based on the World Health Organisation 's code , that would be binding on the industry .
10 In 1909 Margaret Llewelyn Davies gave evidence to a royal commission on divorce law reform , and the Guild began its advocacy for divorce on the same terms as men .
11 The miners took their fight for survival to Downing Street yesterday with a 638,000-name petition opposing the closures .
12 Responsibility was formally passed over to TEC in February 1977 , and the Council established its committee for art and design education ( DATEC ) late that year under the chairmanship of Mr David Carter .
13 To coincide with the study 's publication , the council renewed its call for the Data Protection Act to be amended to enable individuals to see any file on them kept by the league .
14 The force with which the judges made their case for Second Empire can be explained by assuming that they felt that if they did not strongly press for this form of building , another , and less welcome style in their eyes , would be adopted .
15 Since this was Keith Jones ' last committee meeting , the committee expressed its gratitude for the valuable contributions he had made to the committee .
16 They begged Rytasha for reimbursement , but none was forthcoming , and for the want of a few hundred pounds the village lost its crop for the year .
17 As the ANC renewed its calls for a transitional government , President F. W. de Klerk was forced to make Cabinet changes in an attempt to restore credibility to his government .
18 Acheson visited Vandenberg in hospital on 21 January and the senator emphasised his support for Acheson 's policy .
19 In paragraph 8(c) the coroner explained his reason for deciding that the death was by natural causes .
20 What was left of Jonathan Riddle had been taken away by attendants to be stored in a refrigerated drawer until the coroner issued his certificate for disposal .
21 The screw at the other end of the room held his gaze for a moment and then looked away .
22 On June 15 the military expressed their support for Gen. Chaovalit by appointing him as a special adviser to the Internal Security Command , the Supreme Command , and the combined armed forces .
23 The Group extended its support for the arts during 1992 , in particular sponsoring the revival of Xerxes at the English National Opera and the Royal Academy of Arts ' Summer Exhibition in London , which is the premier event of its type in the UK .
24 Last year the Group cut its dividend for the first time since it became a quoted company in 1970 , but this year analysts expect the dividend to be held at last year 's figure , with Pilkington digging into reserves in order to fend off the resulting loss of confidence .
25 The group started its search for a consolidation package in early 1991 .
26 This year , as the locos dropped their fires for the last time , the cash bag totalled more than £1243.72 .
27 However , in another speech , broadcast on Nov. 23 , the King defended his support for Iraq during the Gulf war and strongly criticized the leaders of the Gulf states .
28 THE Soviet team Stroitel Kiev , who were to play in this year 's World International Club Championships at Crystal Palace next week , will not now do so after the organisers refused their demand for £1,900-a-game appearance money .
29 In the wake of Roe 's fourth place in last week 's Rome Masters , Chandler put such a sizeable bet on his charge that the bookmakers reduced his odds for this week from 40–1 to 20–1 .
30 The Assembly declared its concern for communication in all its aspects , including the ethical , social , political and economic implications of the use of the mass media .
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