Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [adj] [adv] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They 're just the same with the police force , there could be er , er , an increase in police pay , or there could be any , a very large incident which would require planning , if these happen then it has always been the case , if there was n't the money available then a precept could be put upon us as a local authorities to er , cover that erm , directly .
2 The main problem for the photosynthesizing plant is to keep the stomata open when the sun is shining , to allow carbon dioxide in without losing too much water by evaporation .
3 If you get the height right then the width seems preposterous .
4 Well I 'm just make sure you behave your alright but just go a bit steady out the front there .
5 Towards the end of the 11th century Gundulph , Bishop of Rochester , looking for a site to build for himself and his successors a manor house , chose a spot close by the river at Halling .
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