Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [prep] all [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The activities of all the processing elements are handled by up to two 128Mb control processers , with long instruction word RISC processors and transfer rates of 2.1Gbps .
2 The Atlantic Agreement called " upon the Seamen of all the world for service … to demonstrate practical appreciation of freedom won " , and the American Shipping Act of 1915 had established for seamen on foreign ships a " a right to quit " while in US ports from March 1916 .
3 The flight safety officials receive reports from their own flight crews and engineering staff , and keep checks on operational irregularities and monitor the investigations of all the flight safety incidents such as engine shut-downs in flight , selection of emergency systems , component failure in flight and procedural shortcomings .
4 Can I say that as part of the budget discussions , this year and last year , the labour group went over all the services that the City Council provides with a fine tooth comb and argued out the case for all the spending that we then put forward in our budget .
5 The terracing was adapted from the existing vineyards , as is the case in all the palace gardens backing on to Prague Hill .
6 He had created an empire in the March with all the speed and rapacity of his supplanted rival the younger Despenser , and from this base he ruled England .
7 A disciplinary panel imposed the ban on all the club 's senior players after a hearing earlier this week was told that during the Division IV match , two Cumbernauld players had been sent off .
8 A disciplinary panel imposed the ban on all the club 's senior players after a hearing earlier this week was told that during the Division IV match , two Cumbernauld players had been sent off .
9 Audubon , however , was outraged : ‘ Here there are at present three Works publishing on the Birds of Europe ’ , he wrote to his friend Rev. Bachman , from London in 1835 , ’ — one by Mr Gould and the others by no one knows who — at least I do not know — Works on the Birds of all the World are innumerable — Cheap as dirt and more dirty than dirt … ’
10 He has the responsibility for all the editing .
11 His Lordship smites the water with King Arthur 's sword , all the company are still , a rumble sucking noise comes in front of the opening of the grotto the water as if boiling and to the horror of all the company both on the water and on the shore scream with fright , appearing as though from the depth of hell arose a ghastly coffin covered with slime and other things .
12 The title ‘ Futility ’ has a double meaning : at first , the futility of the attempts to rouse the soldier and in the latter half , the futility of all the complexity of the earth and the effort put into achieving this when it is just destroyed .
13 To be plausible the authority should also be limited in the way ours is : a machine that appeared certain , in the teeth of all the evidence observable by us , that such and such a transistor was failing might well have given itself away precisely because it would lack the ‘ downwards ’ inscrutability that our inner workings have for us .
14 It seems certain that over the next few years the returns for all the work done did not satisfy Taylor , who wrote again in 1840 to the acting agent Moser , asking for a reduction of the Royalties to one-fifteenth .
15 Estimating the mass of all the matter in the Universe is not an easy task but , in the past few years , many scientists have devoted a great deal of time to it .
16 Perhaps the opening up of the secret police files , once Mr Krenz 's little empire , was the final shove , combined with the resignation of all the security chiefs and the placing under house arrest of his former boss Mr Honecker .
17 We certainly need to keep the minutes of all the committee meetings .
18 The first thing you must do is to assign any system-wide logical names required by the process , eg. pseudo-devices used for the process or storage directories , and all the logicals for all the storage directories known to the process .
19 A simple solution , not without merit , is to leave the PC on all the time , which ensures a near constant operating temperature .
20 This is a great achievement on the part of all the company 's work force , and of not only those who work in Barrow but those employed in the other elements that make up our Trident system .
21 The ultimate target of this frantic quest on the part of all the quality papers to conjure up the ideal-average readership — ‘ young , upwardly mobile … leisure and DIY- orientated ’ ( The Independent ) ‘ … a readership of the future with a strong sense of the past ’ ( The Guardian ) — is of course nothing other than that favoured figment of the marketing imagination : the yuppie .
22 Then in November , 1988 , the Japanese drift-net vessel Sankichi Maru no. 18 caught fire in mid-Tasman , with the loss of all the crew .
23 Insulin regulates the uptake of sugar from the blood by all the body cells and tissues .
24 We would like to thank the clients for all the help and Harry Ferguson who has the transport contract here at the Centre . ’
25 There 's no hanging about here tonight it 's straight into the action from all the weekend and we start with the big match at Filbert Street , Leicester City against Nottingham Forest .
26 In some of these shops I observed one or more females , stript of their upper garment , and not overcharged with the latter , wielding the hammer with all the grace of the sex … struck with this novelty , I enquired , " whether the ladies of this locality shod horses ? " but was answered , with a smile , " they are nailers " .
27 In some of these shops I observed one , or more females , stript of their upper garment , and not overcharged with their lower , wielding the hammer with all the grace of the sex …
28 And the ambition of all the farm lads then was to get on good terms with the maids in in the Plas because after the gentry , they 'd had their dinner , the maids could invite whoever they liked into the cellar and saloon for supper .
29 It will be for him to decide , in the light of all the evidence , whether in respect of the relief claimed Hambros Jersey has a sufficient connection with England for it to be just for the English court to grant such relief .
30 I understand this theory and , while I am not able to disprove it , I feel that , in the light of all the research which has been done in more recent times , it leaves too many gaps which no one has yet been able to fill .
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