Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [prep] which [modal v] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 This breaking-down of the time barrier could be extremely exciting ; at the same time , the very idea introduces so many paradoxes ( if you communicate with the past you change it ; you therefore change the present ; therefore , in this new present , you never communicated with the past ) that we must think it unlikely that people will ever be able to use tachyons in this way … unless communications were flitting between alternate universes , the existence of which would imply the simultaneous reality of all possibilities .
2 Unfortunately some of this work was done without a proper appreciation of the fact that the presence of tree growth , and the shade it gave , prevented or at least discouraged the growth of water weeds , the existence of which could form an even greater obstruction than much of the tree growth .
3 Each Saturday there will be guided tours for two of the churches on the list , while on the first and third Saturday of every month a concert of classical music will be held in one of the churches , the takings from which will go towards restoring a work of art .
4 The SEC and CFTC are fighting in the courts over which should regulate ‘ stock-basket ’ products , new financial instruments with a cash security and a futures contract .
5 She accepted it as a convenience , like an improved system of telephones ; she did not dedicate herself to it as the expression of a moral idea of comradeship and equality , the avowal of which could leave nothing the same .
6 The over-simple assumptions widespread in the early 1980s that controlling the supply of money would in some way affect inflation ( the removal of which would introduce a period of substantial growth ) must be considered as being unsound .
7 The small bodies will have themselves accreted from even smaller bodies , the surfaces of which would carry traces of volatiles .
8 BGS staff on secondment prepared detailed geological maps of a reclamation area in the New Territories of Hong Kong and delineated the portion underlain by cavernous marble , the presence of which could affect development of the area .
9 Strangely , few barns had been converted into craft or light industry centres , the rent on which would provide a permanent income for the farmer .
10 They dropped down into a chamber , the roof of which must have been seven or eight feet high , and where the air seemed quite fresh .
11 Ltd. v. Hawkins ( 1859 ) 4 H. & N. 87 was authority for the proposition that it was an ordinary incident of all corporations ( including municipal corporations ) that they might sue for libel ; that case was only authority for the proposition that a trading company might sue for libel by which its property was injured ; ( 3 ) in holding that the Manchester Corporation case was decided per incuriam when there was no basis for so holding and he should have followed it ; ( 4 ) in holding that in bringing an action for libel not alleged to have caused actual damage , no valid distinction could be made between trading corporations and municipal corporations , which ignored the true basis on which a trading corporation was permitted to sue for libel , namely that it had a trading character , the defamation of which might ruin it : South Hetton Coal Co . Ltd. v. North-Eastern News Association Ltd. [ 1894 ] 1 Q.B. 133 , 145 .
12 It has a trading character , the defamation of which may ruin it .
13 ‘ I am to be questioned and interfered with and hounded , not to be left , doing a job of work the way I choose , a necessary job , a job our sister has made tediously inevitable , a job the result of which may save us from potential disgrace , even if we can not go so far as to expect it to improve our situation out of all recognition .
14 It undertook to pass a law by Dec. 31 ensuring that Ukrainian conscripts served only on Ukrainian soil ; called for formation of a parliamentary commission to discuss nationalizing Communist Party assets ; asserted that the Ukraine would not enter into a new union treaty before a new constitution creating a sovereign Ukraine was drafted ; and called a referendum in 1991 " on confidence in the Ukrainian President " , the result of which would determine whether to hold fresh elections by the end of the year .
15 Instead of the blue uniform , which sat well on his big frame , he was sporting a hideous shirt patterned with palm trees and his plump buttocks were compressed into a pair of fawn slacks , the cut of which would have flattered a slimmer figure but was less than kind to his own .
16 The child 's greed is obstructing awareness of consequences the facing of which would cause him to refrain ; therefore to let the impulse to refrain prevail over the impulse to eat is a causally necessary condition of obeying the imperative .
17 You must also take into account any local exchange control regulations , the effect of which may make it sensible for the contract to stipulate that part of your salary shall be credited to you elsewhere .
18 As I sit at this word processor , the chips of which may have been assembled by a young woman in the Philippines for a pittance a day and for such long hours that her eyes will be damaged in a tax haven created specially for foreign companies , I am acutely aware of the link between the health of the people of the Philippines and my life here in Britain .
19 In its 1969 report , the Committee on the Enforcement of Judgement Debts chaired by Mr Justice Payne recommended the setting up of a Court Enforcement Office , the functions of which would include assisting the creditor to obtain from the debtor ‘ as much as he can properly afford ’ , to liquidate the debts as soon as possible and to protect the debtor against undue hardship or harassment .
20 However , Mr Darling maintained that the hospital had written to a number of public bodies — including Lothian Regional Council — asking them to advertise in a children 's book , the proceeds of which would go to the purchase of baby heaters .
21 My right hon. Friend the Minister for Overseas Development is trying to arrange a donors conference to bring further help , but , as my hon. Friend would agree , the best relief of human rights would be if the Iraqis accepted resolutions 706 and 712 and began to sell oil , the proceeds of which could go to the relief of poverty as well as the compensation of those whom they have victimised .
22 The fanzines , Never Mind the Danger , of Norwich , and Eagle Eye , of Palace , will meet this morning in a light-hearted match at the National Sports Centre and later hold a collection at Selhurst Park , the proceeds of which will go towards children 's charities in Norfolk and London .
23 did not accept that the Vice-Chancellor in Cloverbay had intended to lay down a rule that no order could be made under section 236 if the purpose for which the office-holder claimed reasonably to require information sought included obtaining information the receipt of which would go beyond a reconstitution of knowledge which the company once had and was entitled in law to possess .
24 Where there is limited net asset cover , the vendors might be asked to warrant that they are not aware of any information relating to the target which has been knowingly withheld , the disclosure of which might effect the decision of the purchaser to proceed .
25 However , there were other reasons such as ‘ lost documentation ’ and small balances written off , all of which comprised the annual figure , the disclosure of which might result in too much attention being given to his department .
26 Information concerning or identifying another pupil should not be disclosed , and information , the disclosure of which might cause serious harm to the mental or physical health or emotional condition of the pupil or anyone else , or which indicates that the pupil has or may be likely to suffer child abuse , should not be disclosed .
27 Spears and axes have utilitarian forms , the manufacture of which would have been within the abilities of anyone with basic smithing experience ; both have sockets for handles/shafts which would have been created by beating the iron around a former .
28 Quartz grains may also contain solid inclusions , the mineralogy of which may give evidence of provenance ( e.g. sillimanite inclusions are excellent evidence for a metamorphic source area ) .
29 If this hypothesis is proved it suggests that ‘ physiological ’ changes in matrix composition may be utilised in health to configure the developing hepatocyte either directly , or as the result of sequestration of particular growth factors and cytokines , the type of which would alter according to the specific matrix components .
30 Another pointer to their continued and increasing use is the recent interest in holistic medicine , the philosophy of which can have such far-reaching effects that the entire way of life of modem civilization may be completely altered by the time the twenty-first century is well under way .
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